Example sentences of "[adj] day [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was the longest day they had ever known .
2 ‘ The longest day I can remember at Needham smithy was the day of the Stowmarket Christmas sale — I forget the exact year .
3 On a long , lowland walk on a pouring wet day my feet were no more than damp — a pleasant surprise .
4 If it 's a wet day you 're mucking about .
5 Yes , we have a free day tomorrow — actually the first really free day we have ever had here — i.e. not only free of teaching but also free of official sight-seeing arrangements .
6 It 's the only regular free day she has to visit friends .
7 On the fourteenth day we moved to a different section of the training building .
8 that old day they had a fairly er strong er War Organizations locally , and she was er she was fairly active in there .
9 The patient was said to be unable to speak after this operation but by the sixteenth day he was able to use words like " mother " , " father " and " nurse " .
10 Some day we will be married ; I am certain of it , but it is a long time to wait till I am of age and we must think of some other way before then .
11 And some day we all have to find out the difference between romance and real life .
12 ‘ Maybe some day we 'll get a new hotel as well , but that 's a longer term possibility .
13 We know all the damned silly things we 've done for a thousand years , and as long as we know that and always have it around where we can see it , some day we 'll sop making goddamn funeral pyres and jumping into the middle of them . ’
14 It had been his first and only history lesson , and throughout their hungry and needy years in Bunarkaig he never lost the sense that they lived under threat , that government was pitiless , and that some day they would have to fight again for the right to live at peace in their own place .
15 Some day they will eat their words .
16 The workers : well , they 're overrated ; Some day they 'll all be automated .
17 I mean I I 'd love to see the the whole history and that 's why I 'm glad that erm you people are taking an interest now in not helping us but some day somebody saying who 's that crank who 's been talking on there .
18 She did n't know at the time that some day she would call herself ‘ artist ’ or ‘ writer ’ — not many teenage coloured girls from the Gorbals in Glasgow had trailblazed a path in that direction , so it was a real exploration into the unknown for her when at sixteen she set out to go to college to study fashion .
19 Probably some day she 'll actually start putting pen or paintbrush to paper and actually doing something .
20 always hopes and actually believes some day she will have him trained ,
21 For her at this stage , not crying is a great achievement but she hopes that some day she will reach a better balance so that her tears will be for herself rather than to make an impression on others .
22 Some day it might fetch a pretty packet .
23 She died last month in her 80th year , knowing — as we all do — that the practice has not lived up to the vision , but still believing that some day it might .
24 No doubt some will stay on to summer in Shetland and encourage us to hope that some day it too may be found nesting .
25 ‘ I knew that some day it would come out about my Irish grandmother , ’ said Amiss .
26 It 's some day it 's turned out .
27 Some day it might be a bit less other days it will be more thirty umm but on an average we like to work out the girls to about thirty to twenty five a day .
28 I knew he had a private hope that some day he might make a book with them .
29 Some day I 'll live in the countryside , I 've promised myself that . ’
30 But some day — some day I 'll travel , and meet people , and know things , and then I shall write a true book — a book of experience . ’
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