Example sentences of "[adj] years has " in BNC.

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1 Trick or treat , which is an American idea , which seems to have come er come over here over the past , ooh I do n't know , five tens years has n't it really ?
2 There is no reliable estimate of abundance for the franciscana , although the incidental gill-net kill of tens of thousands of dolphins over the last 30 years has undoubtedly significantly reduced the total population .
3 It looms large in middle-sized estates ; not surprisingly , as the big increase in home ownership and house prices in the past 30 years has mainly benefited the comfortably-off .
4 The past 30 years has seen a continuation of the break-up of the old landlord and tenant system .
5 For many people , much of the previous 20 to 30 years has been closely associated with the issues and problems of bringing up their children .
6 The transformation of the Japanese economy over the past 30 years has been highlighted by its stunning record of growth in output , productivity and exports .
7 And it will mark society 's rejection of the morally indefensible promotion of addiction to what for at least 30 years has been recognised as a most dangerous drug .
8 Much of the debate in social services in the past 30 years has been about community care — what it is an how to achieve it .
9 An extensive programme of geological thin-sectioning of stone implements in various universities over the last 30 years has shown quite clearly that between 3000 and 1500 BC there were a number of heavily exploited sources of stone and flint which were used to make axes and other implements .
10 Western research on this subject over the past 30 years has identified a number of gaps and weaknesses in Soviet official socio-economic data , as well as many statistical series which , it is believed , can be used ( sometimes with adjustments for comparability with Western figures ) .
11 Yet much of the RE of the past 30 years has been strangely reluctant to offer the challenge .
12 For interest shejoined the Southwark ordination course to study Theology and for some years has written a regular Bible commentary for her Parish Magazine .
13 Perhaps the most telling lesson of the past forty years has been the recognition that very different forms of life are built around essentially similar molecular mechanisms .
14 Experience in the past two and a half years has shown both the general effectiveness of such schemes and the need for a much wider extension of them .
15 The 1974 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act states that anyone jailed for between six months and two and a half years has their conviction wiped out after 10 years .
16 All of this and he 's not even recovering from any broken bones ( Ben 's specialty over the last few years has been to break a bone and then come back and do or repeat the world 's hardest route ! )
17 However , the attention lavished on the Conservative party , and especially on the Conservative Party 's ideas , in the past few years has only served to emphasize the relative neglect of Conservative history and Conservative thought before Mrs Thatcher .
18 ‘ One of my problems over the last few years has been that I 'm amazingly optimistic — really stupid in fact !
19 Cinestra offers a regular training programme , and for the past few years has operated a highly successful bursary scheme for new video makers which also offers practical production experience for the women they train .
20 The success of the Green Movement over the last few years has left that rather uncomfortable question hanging in the air .
21 No government warning on food issued over the past few years has been rescinded , but most people prefer to forget them , whilst sources of food poisoning remain unstopped .
22 It will be mentioned in several contexts that the complexity of CAB advice work over the last few years has increased considerably .
23 Apart from differences in educational opportunities , a combination of economic and social factors over the past few years has sharpened stratification within the black population .
24 One of the most exciting developments in biology over the past few years has been the identification of the specific genes that allow some viruses to cause cancer .
25 The spate of major medical and nutritional reports published by governments and health authorities over the past few years has more than confirmed this suspicion .
26 The method used in the past few years has been simple — ignore names put forward by organisations you do not approve of and pack the committees with more sympathetic interest groups .
27 What we 've been through in the last few years has brought us a lot closer , and that 's part of the reason I 'm getting out of the rat race of international cricket … certainly for a few years , anyway .
28 Estimates of the Higgs 's mass can be made from the standard model , and the huge amount of data produced at LEP in the past few years has sharpened such estimates up .
29 Its origins are disguised by its huge cob , and only in the last few years has genetic analysis teased out the whole truth about its humble cereal ancestry .
30 An exciting development in the women 's movement over the last few years has been an attempt by feminists to organise together around housing issues and to develop a feminist analysis of how the organisation of housing in Britain specifically affects women .
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