Example sentences of "[adj] people [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The tribal people differ fundamentally from the predominantly Muslim people of the plains .
2 The worldwide picture for tribal people remains grim .
3 Leading environmentalist Medha Paktar and 400 others were arrested to prevent them commiting samarpan ( self-sacrifice ) in protest against the dam project , which would force 250,000 tribal people to move from the Narmada valley .
4 In response the tribal people formed a solidarity association with an armed wing , Shanti Bahini .
5 When landlords refused to open their granaries , he went with an army of tribal people to loot them , promising to return what they had taken in a better season .
6 In New York , police estimated that 4,700,000 people watched what was believed to be the largest-ever ticker-tape parade .
7 At least 140 people died when a ferry boat , the Moby Prince , collided with an oil tanker in thick fog off Livorno on the night of April 10 .
8 Over 140 people listed had been detained in a wave of arrests in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou beginning in November 1990 .
9 Over 140 people replied and enquiries are still coming in .
10 Free People like to play mind games , do n't they ?
11 That 's a typical Free People stunt .
12 Either way , Free People get their moral .
13 Growth has been driven forward by a free people using its talents .
14 ‘ Growth has been driven forward by a free people using its talents . ’
15 ‘ Only free people know the answer to that question . ’
16 What have the Free People to do with a man 's cub ? ’
17 I hope you will treasure that piece of soil , remain true to it ; a symbol of the simple faith of a free people rooted in a free soil . ’
18 Understand what Free People have been doing to me .
19 Free People claimed they had been ‘ exploding the myth of the happy family ’ .
20 Initial claims by refugees fleeing the area that 1,000 people had been massacred were later denied by the local authorities , who said that 49 people had died .
21 24 the government disclosed that in the Tibesti region of northern Chad 49 people had been killed in various attacks on civilians since mid-August by forces loyal to former President Hissène Habré .
22 Surprisingly , some cynics might say , 49 people did take up the offer and the details were sent to the club to effect the paperwork .
23 ‘ The businessman does n't want to go to different people to talk about things on the marketing front and someone else on the financial front . ’
24 Different people kept chipping in with their ideas of what would fire the national imagination sufficiently to get the people to the polling booths .
25 Like many previous philosophers and psychologists , Jung devised a typology to distinguish personality types , the characteristic ways in which different people use their minds and react to their environment .
26 There is little point in getting worked up about the way different people use words ( although in my nonprofessional life I am quite prepared to get worked up about people who boil lobsters alive ) .
27 and what kind of words like different people use
28 Quality means different things to different people depending on either your job or your view of it .
29 I need different people to control those strategies .
30 We seek to establish in the health service a system of decision-making which allows different people to reach different conclusions subject to some basic principles which clearly must underlie the delivery of socialised medicine .
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