Example sentences of "[adj] one do " in BNC.

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1 This may not be true , but certainly in listening to conversational English one does encounter a very large number of these and they do seem to the native speaker to have some perhaps indefinable ‘ feel ’ of something negative present in the background , as suggested above , on p. 139 ) .
2 Any collection of documents is necessarily selective , but this one does seem to be marked by some significant absentees .
3 This one does seem to be a great boost to Gen Aoun , who stood in lonely defiance of the Arab and international communities , his Muslim compatriots , and many in his own Maronite enclave .
4 This one does seem to be a great boost to Gen Aoun , who stood in lonely defiance of the Arab and international communities , his Muslim compatriots , and many in his own Maronite enclave .
5 ‘ If this one does n't work then I do n't know what will . ’
6 And this one does n't really count , considering it 's shared with four other tenants .
7 If ever a victory deserves to be recorded for posterity this one does .
8 We we do n't actually We 've got It 's got nine oxygen in it already , right so this one does n't actually need any air .
9 this one does n't give it and er
10 This one does not look like a dog , ’ Mandru said .
11 This one does . ’
12 And I think this one does .
13 Fish never sleep , you see , so if this one does , then that 's half the battle won as far as friend Polgar is concerned . ’
14 This one does n't .
15 We believe that there are on a number of priorities er and this one does not seem quite as high er on our list as it does er on the labour .
16 Do you it 's all to do with I suppose whether you whether you approve of dressing dogs up in little coats and I know this one does n't have a coat or does it ?
17 But this one does the same thing as ever .
18 Oh it 's funny this one does n't use a mains tranny like the others do .
19 This one does n't even text .
20 This one does n't .
21 This one does n't want to do anything too .
22 This one does .
23 but other than that he mimics everything this one does , but cos it 's in a softer tone than when Cork does it , he sounds quite funny .
24 I mean , this one does n't look bad does it ?
25 this probably , this one does n't work .
26 Roses are red , violets are blue , most poems rhyme this one does n't !
27 This one did not .
28 And it 's rather a good thing this one did look like a tramp , ’ she added , ‘ because you might not have talked to him if you had n't mistaken him for a poor old man , and he would n't have learned anything about Brownies , and we should n't be going to continue to enjoy the use of his lovely Park .
29 Despite its close proximity , it was discovered that this breed owed its curly coat to a different gene and close inspection revealed that , unlike the Cornish and German breeds , this one did have a few long guard hairs .
30 Like many other such dreams , this one did not work out and the reason would seem to be that same old American resistance to working seriously in FI — it happened with Roger Penske , it happened with Parnelli as it was later to happen with Karl Haas .
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