Example sentences of "[adj] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To receive one free just send your name and address on a postcard to , .
2 You say it 's not OK just to take , darling , angel , siren , demon , goddess , fucking you fucking canonises me .
3 It is no longer adequate just to produce a plan of a church : all walls and elevations need to be examined closely , since most churches are built , developed and extended over a long period .
4 And obviously that you can do , but it takes time , it 's quicker just to walk into a travel agent and pick up a cheap bargain .
5 Me er this just get rid
6 This just burned their shoes up .
7 This just produces a swift blood sugar surge which rapidly declines — a solid breakfast which releases energy slowly is far better .
8 The firm ‘ would n't have done this just to give employees the benefit of a tax rate differential , ’ says William Montgoris , the finance director .
9 This just proves everyone can be a target and should be wary . ’
10 I suppose this just goes to show that all treatment currently in use have some benefit but no one treatment is significantly better than all the others .
11 No we 'd only had it three or four years when we went to Malton and Pam said then ooh if ever you get rid of this just let me know , it 's just right for me cos she 's only short is n't she ?
12 Erm and it must have been oh I do n't know , two or three years ago must be at least two or three years ago when we were talking about , umm-ing and ah-ing , and she said well do n't forget if ever you want to lose this just let me know .
13 This just lets you know that we will pay you travel costs to and from
14 There were ways I could straddle the machine , but this just seemed ludicrous .
15 This just requires the raw difference to be multiplied by 24 .
16 Well it depends how you want to deal with it , I mean erm , this , the , the , the I think it was just my idea last year of , of sort of erm sharing some of the load I think at that point and hoping that someone could perhaps take over , erm , this just says the following should be elected , A , Chair , B , Secretary and C , Treasurer , but erm
17 This just went on — the arguments , no money .
18 Well this to , to photograph anything , this just happens to be a camera and I suppose that would appeal to a lot of camera collectors to people that I er er who I work with , people I know , friends and that , they know I 'm interested in photography and they always ask me about cameras
19 Is it in effect equalises in terms of means , the people applying for housing so there is no need for a means test for potential tenants because they all have in housing terms , the same means , I I do you understand this , I mean it 's vitally important you understand this just to see why this motion is nonsensical .
20 Now , could I , could I go through , cos I 'd like , I 'd like to at some stage ask you to do an exercise on this just to see first of all how complicated it is and then , at the end , how simple it is .
21 Now this just took the biscuit .
22 Well that 's one of my next questions because I think it 's debatable either way , a a lot of people and I 'm finding this just want to be in a neighbourhood watch scheme to take advantage of insurance er and also to have the sign up once the signs are up and they got insurance they 're not bothered , and you can tell that by the er gist of the conversation on the telephone .
23 She said : ‘ He has been in a lot of pain and this just puts the lid on it .
24 This just makes me feel better , that 's all .
25 These appointments are stressful and quite honestly something like this just makes it even more traumatic , ’ she said .
26 So I I think you get bored with some of this when it 's easy you 're looking at that and you think , Oh I can do this just put a W in front of tr .
27 Can this just develop he 's 31 and what can he do to keep it away ?
28 Nor does this just apply to factories and canteens .
29 Oh I , I should think that about fifteen years ago er when erm the lighting manufacturers had decided that er there was a great deal more available in lighting than just the erm , type of glass bowls and shades that had been used , well in between the wars er , I mean after the war was over in nineteen forty six er they were still using the same things that they did before the war and this just carried on er and er it , it only within the last what I suppose fifty years that 's over
30 It did n't seem to her that Timothy Gedge was trying to make a joke , yet it was amazing that he was saying all this just to pay them back for not being friendly or because he wanted a wedding-dress they would n't give him , or for any reason at all .
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