Example sentences of "[adj] only [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They called off the alert only after finding Frankie 's hat and ‘ cowboy ’ gun in the house in Chippenham , Wilts .
2 The sequence can be extended as far back as 275 only by including the Newton St. Loe Orpheus as the first , innovative mosaic .
3 used only for those beyond redemption .
4 Once , a bat whirred inside his chamber , invisible and apprehensible only from the eerie displacement of the air , the frenzy of wings on a high note .
5 However , this does not prove semantic constituency , because coordination is normal only with other elements of the same sort — i.e. elements which similarly fail the recurrent contrast test .
6 Some parents who had n't heard the news brought their children to school as normal only to be turned away .
7 Our results also showed that plasma and urine cAMP and cGMP values were abnormally high in coeliac disease patients who had not been treated , and became normal only after treatment when clinical , biochemical , and histological remission was achieved .
8 This is an important qualification ( that doubt is normal only in our abnormal situation ) , but it allows us to appreciate something of the positive side of doubt .
9 Keeping in touch with this flow , as well as the hundred-odd pages of daily transcript , was a job practicable only for the zealots like Brian Rome or the massed ranks of the CEGB staff .
10 Innovative only in using cantilevers for the galleries and hence abolishing intrusive columns , he was uniquely pragmatic in his architectural and technical responses to the commercial manager 's brief , which was to seat ever-larger audiences on ever-tighter city-centre sites .
11 If normal good sleepers are woken from Stage I sleep or Stage 2 sleep , and asked whether they were awake or asleep , they tend to report definitely feeling asleep only In Stage 2 sleep , " 2 although this is not necessarily true for poor sleepers , who may deny they were asleep even when the EEG traces show clear signs of Stage 2 sleep .
12 Women 's employment is thus commonly regarded as profitable only to a couple with a working husband .
13 Specific cash crops were profitable only in certain districts .
14 Past , present , future , here , there , inner , outer , self , other , quotation , allusion , portmanteau word , syllable , letter and grunt — all whirl about two poles , their names forever changing , their enduringness graspable only by initials , A L P — the river , the Liffey , the woman and H C E , the man .
15 But he can play the spolier only with Soviet aid .
16 Support for it has come from the observation that both the brain and the conventional digital computer ( i.e. the one hard-wired only for its machine code ) seem to be surprisingly homogeneous in their internal structure , which led to remarks like Newell 's ( 1973 ) ‘ … intelligent behaviour demands only a few very general features in the underlying mechanism ’ .
17 As the Italian inventor may discover , the music industry does not flourish on recordings that sound right only on headphones
18 Henceforth , like St Paul , she was dead to the world and alive only to God .
19 Bracken scratched her tender skin , but she was barely aware of it , her every nerve ending alive only to the man touching her with such consummate skill .
20 In what follows the interpretative dimension will come alive only on the next layer of the problem , where we ask whether social rules and institutions account for the performance of social roles , or vice versa , In other words , we think international institutions too fragile to permit a fully systemic answer on the highest layer and so incomplete that an answer which favours the international units must yield to curiosity about how these units work .
21 He also interprets St Paul 's teaching to the Colossians ( 3:3 ) in these terms : His evocation of a silent darkness at the heart of which the soul is alive only in faith and expectant longing , combines the same sense of both end and beginning that Rolle creates at the end of his shorter Passion meditation when the process of penance linked with the stages of the Crucifixion concludes in the darkness of the entombment — a darkness which in the pattern of Incarnation is the prelude to dawn and Resurrection .
22 This is much easier to follow than text which is long-winded and frequently ambiguous or file designs or programming flowcharts which are understandable only to the computer professional .
23 In fact the picture is complete only in the sense that it contains the details which are relevant to his activity in that room , it certainly does not contain all the detail which is available to the senses .
24 Of the seventeen pieces in this collection , which survives complete only in the second edition of 1533 , no fewer than eight — only seven in the 1533 version — are by Philippe Verdelot ( d. c. 1540 ) , a Frenchman who lived in Italy from a very early age , two ( three in the second edition ) are by an Italian , Costanzo Festa ( C. 1495–1545 ) , one is by another Festa , Sebastiano , of whom we know nothing , one by a mysterious ‘ Maistre Jan ’ or Ihan who has only recently been identified as ‘ a French-born musician active at the court of Ferrara from 1512 to about 1543 ’ , and the remainder by still more shadowy characters .
25 Just as one can know whether one is short or tall only by comparing oneself with others , so one can know whether one 's own political system is " short " or " tall " only by putting it alongside other systems and noting the differences .
26 MOST Mexicans refer to the Yucatan peninsula as ‘ the south-east ’ , and think of it as a poor relation memorable only for its Mayan ruins and the resort of Cancun .
27 The polymer solution is separated from the pure solvent by a membrane , permeable only to solvent molecules .
28 The night was so dark that the end of the trench was perceptible only as a lightening of the murk , where the ditch of the town lay ahead .
29 His stride shortened ; his legs felt leaden ; his breathing , till now perceptible only in a slight flaring of the nostrils , became harsh and ragged , his mouth wide open , his teeth biting desperately at the intangible air .
30 The transsexual is one who utterly and completely rejects his biological sex , seeing personal fulfilment and even survival as possible only through the assumption in as complete a way as possible of the sex to which he feels he really belongs .
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