Example sentences of "[adj] she really " in BNC.

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1 She felt almost traumatised by the revelation of just how much she really did want him to make love to her combined with his ruthless words about marriage , then his callous statements about what a loose little floozy he thought she was — and his finally saying it straight out : ‘ Do n't tell me you 're a virgin ! ’ with horror in his eyes .
2 His voice was so bland she really was n't sure if he was joking , but having asked and received an apparently satisfactory reply , she decided she had no choice but to go with him .
3 I realised then more than I have before , how normal she really is , with emotions and weaknesses like anyone else .
4 It reminded her how little she really knew about him — about his character — his ambitions , and the lengths he might go to achieve them .
5 This testing of bassanio , her own husband who she is meant to love and trust , tells us how cunning , powerful and suspicious she really is .
6 Everybody but you was looking at her out the window , incredible she really was
7 By seven or eight months , a baby 's posture can tell you how comfortable she really feels .
8 She was not sure she really wanted to acquire Preston just yet .
9 She 'd come all this way to find out the truth about her family , and now she was close to the answer and she was n't sure she really wanted to know .
10 Richard Price says he wishes he knows what the secret of the dove family is … they 're just good horses and Flakey Dove is the best they 've had … she 's going to Cheltenham to see how good she really is …
11 She used big general terms about the Falklands , but all she really meant was : Argies are n't going to mess white Britons about .
12 All she really wanted , if she could not be in his presence , was to be left alone so that she could recall and relive in her mind every moment of that morning 's encounter , and dream about what the future might hold for her .
13 All she really wanted was to see him out of the house .
14 ‘ Oh , I see , ’ she murmured , but all she really saw was that the question which had come to her — had he driven to Mariánské Láznë last night after he 'd left her ? — had been answered .
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