Example sentences of "[adj] this [be] " in BNC.

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1 After 1934 this was to be combined with the anti-semitic obsession of both ultra-conservative reactionary fascism and racial nationalist traditions in the BUF , despite the fact that it was expressed in slightly less virulent form and appeared to have more social roots .
2 And it 's a very and these are historic this is a h historic town centre .
3 The Aztecs , perhaps recognising how odd this was , gave it a name which means " water monster " — axolotl .
4 It is possible this is a case of hindsight colouring my memory , but I have a distinct feeling that it was at that moment I first sensed something odd , something duplicitous perhaps , about this apparently charming American gentleman .
5 In cases where appointment out of court is possible this is certainly preferable from the viewpoint of the debentureholders as a body .
6 land up , up there , it took , it took put the bill in , it 's next , it 's next , we need this next two or three bloody month and I was on about this and I was on about that ev it 's possible this is what a lot of them going and getting , you do n't want it
7 Its quite possible this was taken out of context by teletext — they often do — especially in this case where the press have been trying to stir up a rift for well over a year .
8 that 's right this is the meanest of it
9 Very , very confusing this is , the world is going upside down and he do n't know what 's going to happen next you see , for instance looking a year ago , two years ago the wall , the Berlin Wall was standing and the Russian empire was feared , all over the world , and now this day , it just fell on its face
10 Everyone else sorry this is the er security blind .
11 Of the western sites these are sorry this is also one of the furthest from Cambridge .
12 Now let's says , big Helga says , take me for a Chinese , oh right dear , so half past seven B H , oh sorry this is , B H , Chinese , I might as well right the rest of the evening off .
13 Ah , are you suggesting that , that you have a system of requesting a yellow plastic wallet from , sorry this is not a suggestion to do with the procedures anyway .
14 Well first of all I want to thank you John for your programme , we really have enjoyed it and we 're very sorry this is your last day .
15 There 's no apology , you know , I 'm , there 's no ‘ I 'm sorry this is happening , ’ it 's just Bang bang bang , .
16 so , oh no sorry this was in centres .
17 In 1986 this was formalised as an annual fixture playing for a Cup , generously presented by the Worple Society .
18 In 1986 this was reduced to seven years and a sliding scale was introduced to determine the amount of tax paid .
19 Right , this is low this is this is letting a lot through , this is n't letting so much through .
20 Well it 's low this is lower cost than what we 're doing currently , we 're giving away , we 're getting nothing only a cost of of twenty five quid on the seat .
21 In this way of looking at the economy , wages seem to be determined by forces as inevitable as mathematics , and if wages were low this was no doubt unfortunate , but there was nothing anybody could do about it , any more than it would be possible to change the laws of gravity .
22 ( For the uninitiated this is a gathering of the privileged few to down cocktails , cause gossip column ‘ sensations ’ and generally be seen and pamper the stars of the show ) .
23 However strange this was to us , it was genuinely moving to the Chinese audience , and Comrade Chang , the cadre , sitting on my left , was in tears at the end of a sequence mourning the death of Chou .
24 He schemed to be proclaimed Emperor , but as long as Menelik was known to be alive this was impossible .
25 And whatever you think , and however controversial this is , there is a line of argument that says that is a valid charge against those specific allowances that you receive erm from Social Security .
26 But not as many as you would have if you were using the treble clef because you 'd probably end up with a lot of lower this is wha , that is n't a particularly good example really because it has n't given a lot of lower notes but normally you 'd expect to see more notes down on these lines .
27 Oh two point eight this is .
28 But I mean , we have got nine beat officers for the whole of the Harlow Town area and just th , this area this is the start of what we call our beat eight this is the boundary along Southern Way , and that goes down as far are familiar with the area of Staple Tye most of you ?
29 There was a certain amount of talking , since congressional votes on the contras were so finely balanced ; but in private this was war .
30 Now in the early thirties this was too much for the troops to take , so they took their problem to Shaw who then went to the NAAFI and bought all the cups for a penny .
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