Example sentences of "[adj] was [det] " in BNC.

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1 The result of this was that net disinvestment in the colonies took place under the Labour government : inflows of funds were about £40 million , while sterling balances grew by £160 million .
2 The thing about all this was that sales were beginning to meet his star image .
3 The direct result of this was that government institutions , especially the bureaucratic side of government , were comparatively undeveloped ; and to those precociously centralized kingdoms , England and France — and therefore , of course , to those who influenced Mary — Scotland appeared backward and less controlled .
4 The effect of this was that , of the 75,000 original beneficiaries , 51 per cent did not receive any land .
5 Two men kissing to music under the stars … or Little David , the barman , would bring out his famous white gauze and feather fans and send them gliding across his sweating chest and face ( you do n't see this any more these days ) — as if the secret thoughts that were normally hidden behind that odd smile in his eyes had escaped and taken flight ; as if , I used to think , it was magic , as if some oddly attractive boy had unbuttoned his flies for you and brought out not a fat red cock but a blinking , blinded , delicate , fluttering magician 's dove , releasing it into the roof of the dark theatre to fly crazily over your astonished head … and above all this was that ceiling of shining stars .
6 My rose-growing Surrey headmaster ( by now retired ) came to Banbury for a weekend , and as we drove off to the Cotswolds he tried to persuade me that the implication of all this was that secondary schools would no longer be a worthwhile place for teachers with academic interests : all the good work would hereafter be done within an inflated system of higher education .
7 The upshot of all this was that , although Sandrock 's defence allowed Southwood a number of good chances , only one was taken .
8 Reason and conscience both told me that if I were ever to have any chance of escaping successfully this was that chance .
9 One consequence of this was that work on toroidal systems — especially pinch systems in which the plasma carried a large current with evidently unpredictable properties — became relatively unfashionable .
10 The problem with this was that neurotics flocked to him .
11 One incidental result of this was that Indirect Rule , the proud and mysterious creation of innumerable men-on-the-spot , upon which it was forbidden to the uninitiated to look , was transformed after years of scrutiny by metropolitan experts into a uniform system of local government , whereby Britain hoped to bring into the orbit of her unresented influence the non-traditional elements which had made their appearance in African society .
12 This was that successive waves of fashionable radicalism failed to address the crisis of American cities .
13 The effect of this was that young fans rarely got the opportunity to travel on the Supporters ' Club coaches and , since travelling by British Rail was often a hazardous and expensive venture , alternative arrangements were needed .
14 The effect of this was that Central Office , for all its generosity , did not have much control over the selection of candidates in places where the man selected might actually win , and this did not change much before 1914 .
15 The implication of this was that Senior School fees — then £369 a year — would have to rise to at least £550 for new boys .
16 Part of the consequence of this was that working-class respondents were often unwilling to use the term ‘ friend ’ , being unsure if they were using it appropriately .
17 Looking back I realise that , if there ever was a moment when I might have quit , admitted defeat and abandoned the Cathedral to throw myself on the mercy of school , home or child guidance clinic , this was that moment .
18 The reason offered for this was that , by definition , a public place was one where the public were likely to be .
19 The result of all this was that , although at the end of the century a third of the population still lived below the poverty line and the diet of the poorest included items such as white bread , condensed milk , and vegetable oil margarine , the earnings of a Lancashire cotton operative in 1913 permitted him ‘ a breakfast of coffee or tea , bread , bacon and eggs — when eggs are cheap — a dinner of potatoes and beef , an evening meal of tea , bread and butter , cheap vegetables or fish , and a slight supper at moderate price ’ .
20 This was that pension funds , like life insurance companies , were too willing to invest in overseas companies , by implication ‘ starving ’ British industry of capital .
21 The only comforting thing about this was that , although they were well placed to take over my brain , they had , so far at any rate , declined to take up the offer .
22 Put in the baldest terms , one can say that the result of all this was that man — or , perhaps I should say , the hominid ancestors of modern man — became able to hunt and that , with the success of the hunting economy , came culture and civilization as we know it and with it its psychological corollary : the superego .
23 The only explanation given for this was that
24 This was that first morning was n't it ?
25 I do n't think this was that good , that cat opening the door
26 This was all important to enable me to get the correct shape of the legs and the lengths of the rails .
27 Given that this was all well-known at the outset what utter fool would believe there could be any money to be made out of such a system .
28 This was All McDowell who became a close friend of mine , founded i-D magazine and coined the phrase ‘ Fuck Art : Let's Dance . ’
29 Whether this was all done in preparation for his wedding is not certain , but in 1744 he married a daughter of Richard Osborne from neighbouring Wortley House .
30 This was all happening while I was walking through the bus station and taking my place in the queue ; and when I gained my seat I began looking in my bag for a piece of paper and a biro , and then , on the inside of a chocolate-bar wrapping I wrote what I must memorize and recite if I were to get the message over to the doctor — I , who even made heavy weather of describing a sore throat ; I , who after a period in the waiting-room could dry up so as to be virtually dumb .
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