Example sentences of "[adj] is if " in BNC.

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1 This is if shares were overpriced — that is , if prices were unsustainably high .
2 Even worse than this is if you have a binge on foods you feel are bad for you just before your new regime is due to start .
3 The only exception to this is if the child has a disease process that has a short-term prognosis .
4 What I also want you to do on this is if you can refer to Adrian Bull 's book , the Economics of Travel and Tourism , and just go through the relevant chapter on demand .
5 ( press R2 ( PrSc ) in your compose window — select UK english — select set — and type shift 3 — this is if you are using OpenWindows version 3 and just sets this temporary — but there should be no problem setting up a US keyboard as an english one permanently if you so wish ( sort of confusing though ) )
6 Or , I mean this is if it 's an average , and sort of an even acceleration .
7 Right , so this is if we incorporate expectations in our model of supply response alright , so instead of saying that the the desired level of supply instead of saying that , we say it 's actually this right , if we actually incorporate expectations specifically alright , then we get a supply response model alright , like this and our hypothesis , y'know cos we do n't know how expectations are formed , right , economics ca n't tell us anything about how expectations are formed are they rational , are they naive , are they adaptive , who knows , nobody knows alright .
8 This is if you Charlotte will you come away from please .
9 So as a fraction you can just write , this is if you just write , that 's erm he over here you can put a heading fraction erm you can go back to your pen now .
10 But , as an exile friend says , threatening to throw himself in Chihana 's footsteps , ‘ It seems the only way the media will be interested is if something happens to someone else . ’
11 Deborah and Elaine are obviously close ; Deborah 's flying entrance on this last remark brought a ‘ The only time I know I look wrong is if Mum says I look ‘ cute' !
12 Now what is particularly interesting is if you take that and you try and date when these various things were done , and if I ask questions why was it done like this .
13 What might be more interesting is if re Christopher reads you his reading book from the library cos it 's really good fun .
14 Another is if the limiting factor for all debtors — the cost of bankruptcy or near-bankruptcy — suddenly changes for the worse .
15 Well he thinks the only way that modern will accept the rule of one person rather than another is if they think they 're somehow there as a result of their own action , so we 'll only accept the rule of erm our leaders if we think we put them there and we take them back again , we put them there and can recall them and this for Barry is the only merit that contemporary democratic policy democratic erm systems that it allows us to think of our rulers as having some legitimate claim to rule .
16 The second is if the child goes off to sleep .
17 but are the point about how it 's structured is if for example it 's going to be open to students at Napier
18 The other where you might find there is no moon at all is if the moon comes up during the day time .
19 A far less common problem but one which is much more dramatic is if you put your weight too far forward .
20 for the variety of reasons , but I think what 's obviously important is if there is any more date arranging going on
21 Is n't it fair to say that that in itself does not justify greenbelt designation , what is important is if the site forms part of the countryside and makes a contribution to it ?
22 The first is if you are physically pushed or thrown out of the area .
23 That is if they are creating a demi-caractère and not a national ballet ( see page 120 ) .
24 That is if the medics can get to you ! ’
25 The understated 500E Mercedes saloon stole production car honours at Paris , that is if you believe the Porsche — which will build the car — definition of production : 12 cars a day , 2400 a year .
26 This was a Monday night and the early show of a week 's run in a tour which would take her round the Eastern States , and hopefully into New York for the spring of 1913 , that is if audiences took to her in this first week .
27 This we did and carried the remaining one between us — sort of a boy at each corner , that is if a horseshoe shape has corners .
28 I replied that if Seius Oceanus ( to whom the estate ought to be made over when he reached the age of sixteen , under trust under the will of Seius Saturninus by the trustee-heir Valerius Maximus ) died before he completed the set period of time , the estate under trust belongs to the person to whom the rest of his property will belong , since the trust vested during his lifetime , that is if by postponing the time for payment the testator would seem rather to have granted the trustee-heir custody than to have imposed an uncertain term on the trust .
29 That is if jobs are designed that offer job satisfaction , rather than alienation ; challenges rather than boredom ; skill enhancement rather than deskilling , so that the technology is seen as a set of tools for people to use in their work rather than the basis of a production system in which people are merely ‘ operators ’ .
30 Very often an approach to a Commission official will be more effective if it is ‘ pan-EC ’ , that is if made by a number of companies operating throughout the EC , preferably under an EC umbrella organisation .
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