Example sentences of "[adj] that if " in BNC.

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1 However , he looked rather bemused when Mr Bell started ad-libbing that if the Sunday Times wanted to pen a profile of the self-styled King of the Corner Shop then ‘ for God 's sake get a better picture of me than The Northern Echo is using . ’
2 It follows from this that if there is no such thing as justified belief , there is no such thing as understanding .
3 Mr. Howell then argues backwards from this that if a school is over-subscribed so that section 6(3) ( a ) is in point , there is a duty not to have regard to preserving the school 's character in deciding priorities because the only permissible way of taking that into account is by section 6(3) ( b ) .
4 We can deduce from this that if a guard g is used to guard two different processes , then whenever that guard becomes ready either copy may be activated , the choice being invisible to the environment .
5 The fundamental issue is this that if the Labour Party is to remain a party of labour it must have as an integral part the trade union movement , it 's as simple as that , colleagues !
6 It follows from this that if there is an internal defect then damage to that appliance can not be recovered under the CPA 1987 .
7 Now we 're fortunate with with this that if I turn it on it 's very quiet but if any of you had and I 'm sure Jeff you 've probably seen it where you get some older machines and the fan in there rattles like mad and there 's nothing worse than having that thing rattling all all the day .
8 There is therefore very much in Engels 's discussion of existing political organization which is still acceptable ; however , recent anthropological work makes it clear that if something like the notion of the gentile constitution is to be retained , the concept would have to be broadened to include a much greater variety of such systems than was , or could have been , envisaged by the founders of Marxism .
9 As I investigated further , it seemed to become clear that if this question could be answered it could only be in a complex way .
10 This is not the stuff of which marriages are made , and it is quite clear that if United do not improve what Celtic consider to be a derisory offer for the Scotland captain , who has made 50 international appearances , there will be no union .
11 But it is clear that if , as we have said , death from suicide is relatively common in Britain and most funeral services take place within the Christian context , then it would seem that the church needs to look at this whole subject again with a great deal more openness than has been possible up to now .
12 ‘ Mr Major has made clear that if after an exhaustive debate the Scottish people want a divorce then there is no way they can be kept in the union against their will .
13 And we are clear that if we want to make a modern Britain , we must first change Britain .
14 Make it clear that if they are unable to wholeheartedly support school policies then they would be better suited in a post elsewhere .
15 It is clear that if the Hohenzollern candidature were out of the way , peace would be assured .
16 Notwithstanding such criticisms , Tan seems to make it abundantly clear that if any change in the law 's attitude to transsexuals is to be forthcoming , it will certainly not come from the English courts .
17 It is clear that if a method of examining use is to be devised which does not lean entirely upon the librarian 's judgement , that method must be sophisticated enough to take into account the many variable factors .
18 Thus it is clear that if the change is a realistic one and the company is justifiably convinced that it must be imposed , you will be extremely vulnerable if you do not fall in line .
19 It was made clear that if Janet were to break this agreement the therapist would discontinue contact with her .
20 In an area with around 250 cm of rain a year , it seems clear that if the hillsides are not replanted then silt is going to rush down into the river , through the sluice gates of the dam and into the new land , where irrigation canals might become seriously clogged up , and the fertility of the soil lowered .
21 It now becomes clear that if , as Luxemburg suggested , the rate of increase in unproductive consumption remains constant , but the
22 The strike was broken only by widespread flogging and imprisonment , but it was clear that if the Danzig Poles — by tradition the meekest of them all — were willing to protest , then Polish resistance as a whole must have stiffened considerably .
23 It can , however , no longer be assumed that that is so , and in any case it is not clear that if a clergyman wishes to stand and electors wish him to represent them the mere fact that the churches do not like the idea has anything to do with matter .
24 The counsellor made it clear that if they wanted to come back at a later stage , they would be welcome .
25 British law is clear that if a person causes an injury in this way rather than in retaliation , they can be found not guilty .
26 Senior officials have made it clear that if final decisions are not made by Friday , Chancellor Norman Lamont 's autumn statement on November 12 will not be ready in time .
27 ‘ Caroline made it clear that if she died before her husband then we would be made guardians , ’ said her sister Meriel Rosser .
28 Similarly , when we turn to care at home , it is not clear that if the costs of such support were to exceed those of residential care , they could or should be met .
29 To many it seemed clear that if liberal capitalism ( of the sort advocated by Disraeli ) were not to be swept away by revolution , the largely illiterate workforce must be encouraged to believe that their welfare would be protected by the new rulers — the powerful middle class .
30 It is now clear that if the scheme had been adopted it would have had disastrous results .
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