Example sentences of "[adj] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When they talk about work of this type , policemen stress the importance of remaining detached and emotionally cold .
2 ( e ) She appeared to her father to be disorientated and , according to the original evidence of Dr. F. , to be ‘ drowsy , detached and not fully compos mentis. ’ ( f ) The matrimonial history of father and mother suggests that Miss T. 's mother is a deeply committed Jehovah 's Witness , who would regard her daughter 's eternal salvation as far more important , and more in her daughter 's best interests , than lengthening her terrestrial life span .
3 Charles felt detached and rather sad .
4 That 's not to me consistent with a view that we have remained detached and apart and able to take whatever decisions we like regardless of our partners . ’
5 The account he gave of it was detailed , detached and distinctly unenthusiastic .
6 Many such adopters are anchored firmly in their beliefs ; they are open-minded and not contented with stereotypes or a superficial view of society .
7 These included ensuring the consultations would be ‘ meaningful , open-minded and fully taken account of before the final decision ( on closures ) is made ’ .
8 Despite the fact that I feel strongly about this issue , I remain open-minded and by seeing as much as is attainable my ideas will develop and so determine the kind of practitioner I hope to be .
9 Remember , Miss Carter wanted me to go pupil-teaching and then take a teacher 's course , well that 's one thing I could do ; it 's not too late , I 'm only twenty-two .
10 Still , I had happier memories of Enniskillen : of the Horseshoe Lounge in the Railway Hotel ( now an hotel without a railway ) and a group named ‘ Country Comrades ’ , who played Irish , Scottish and hillbilly tunes fast and slow , while the crowd whooped and danced merrily ; of hillside fields and haycocks ; of the Bronze Age burial chamber said to be a giant 's grave ; and of tales of the local footpack 's exploits among the Ulster foxes .
11 He scored 15 goals in 1990–91 ; 23 in 91–92 and now 28 in 92–93 .
12 The original training skipper , John Bullock , was replaced in October by Pete Goss , an ex-Royal Marine and single-handed transatlantic yachtsman , He now works with freelance instructor and first mate Nick Booth .
13 When this was done opposite effects emerged for generally risky and generally non-risky junctions .
14 To try to make money by switching currencies according to exchange rates is considered risky and not in general the purpose of these accounts .
15 Manual assembly with ‘ stand alone ’ automated equipment was less expensive , less risky and more flexible — and was therefore a better fit for the business .
16 The Sludge Disposal Vessel ‘ Gardyloo ’ built to operate from the new facility was in fact completed in August 1876 and immediately chartered for work on the Clyde while awaiting completion of the Seafield Works .
17 Although much talk went on it was n't until 1876 and then again in April 1892 , that meetings were called to consider " A bridge across the Medway " .
18 She had known warmer climes and situations more civilized and now , in her old age , needed and expected to be warm .
19 If reparation were more consistently pursued we should have a much more civilized and morally acceptable penal system than the present one .
20 The stillness , the sexual aura , that high-definition presence which is found in men and women heterosexual and homosexual and recognised equally by all : at its rawest and most baffling — 'star; quality ’ .
21 Insofar as municipal systems set limits to the use of force and punish at least some of those guilty of crimes of violence it has some success as law and an undisputed claim to be regarded as law for as long as the officials of the system pursue these objectives by taking steps against non-compliance ( Hart , 1961 , pp. 79–88 and 213ff . ) .
22 Instead it would be an expression of preferences , indicated by putting the figure 1 opposite the name of the first-preferred candidate , the figure 2 opposite the name of the second-preferred and so on .
23 For example , the distinctive 60cm bed of laminated diatom ooze which occurs at the base of the 4.4Myr interval is present at sites 847 , 849 , 850 and 572 and so may be correlated over a longitudinal extent of at least 2,000km .
24 It can however be said that the principle of justice , embodied in Martin B. 's judgment in Steele v. Williams , 8 Ex. 625 and perhaps also in Hooper v. Exeter Corporation , 56 L.J.Q.B. 457 , and expressed in the dicta of Lord Atkin and Sir Owen Dixon , still calls for attention ; and the central question in the present case is whether your Lordships ' House , deriving their inspiration from the example of those two great judges , should rekindle that fading flame and reformulate the law in accordance with that principle .
25 We will legislate to provide a new 1 per cent incentive for holders of personal pensions aged 30 and over from April 1993 , when the existing incentive ends .
26 In a survey reported in this week 's journal MORI interviewed 4000 people aged 30 and over in their own homes on behalf of the British Association for Continence Care ( p 832 ) .
27 1883 men , 2124 women aged 30 and over .
28 A random sample of 4007 adults ( 1883 men ) aged 30 and over was interviewed in their own homes at geographically stratified sampling points throughout Great Britain .
29 For instance , they would like HMI to comment on the increase in class sizes in primary education , the scandal that one in four of our children are now taught in classes of 30 and over , and the fact that 10,000 of our children in primary education are taught in classes of 40 and more .
30 In the same year , women aged 30 and over , if already local government electors or married to such electors , were given a vote in general elections .
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