Example sentences of "[adj] problem [is] " in BNC.

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1 The structural explanation of social problems is pursued more thoroughly than in a developmental model .
2 The term ‘ the inner city ’ may tell us much more about the manner in which an agenda of social problems is set by the combined and unequal influences of a variety of interest groups than about the political economy of cities but its very reproduction in a set of discourses about ‘ the urban ’ guarantees it a status of its own .
3 One particular area in which technical terms are likely to cause some problems is that of grammar : and here we shall follow the terminology and general view of grammar presented in Quirk and Greenbaum 's University Grammar of English . "
4 Secondly , a continuing and , in some ways , irresolvable problem is how to balance the twin aims of conservation and recreation since , despite the Sandford recommendations , it has not always been clear where the emphasis should be ( Cripps 1980 ) .
5 The magnitude of this social problem is evident in Robert Malcolmson 's observation that servants , both domestic and in husbandry , constituted 13% to 14% of the population at any time in this period .
6 The social problem is the apparent occasion for the poem , and some people feel that it is an intrusion .
7 But even the best option feels like making the best of a bad situation — the square peg of this escalating health and social problem is being forced into the round hole of a system of service rationing which was designed with anyone but drug and alcohol misusers in mind .
8 Where the mentally ill person is potentially violent , the social problem is quickly perceived ; where they are withdrawn and depressed , the individual agony may be overlooked .
9 The situation in which a sexual problem is " masked " by a non-sexual presenting problem which may or may not be of true significance is not uncommon .
10 A different type of two-part problem is one in which the second part commences : ‘ Would it make any difference to your answer if … ? ’
11 A particularly interesting problem is the size of the small departures from uniform density in the early universe that caused the formation first of the galaxies , then of stars , and finally of us .
12 The political and historical problem is how to understand that involvement .
13 The fact that some problem is seen in him is often contributory to his own problem , just as the other way round .
14 A further problem is that a BAe takeover would strengthen German objections to Ferranti winning the radar contract for the European Fighter Aircraft since it would mean BAe gaining a disproportionately large share of the total project .
15 A further problem is that , although methane is an excellent fuel , it resists the changes needed to make it into a useful feedstock .
16 A further problem is that although we should be glad that speed control measures are encouraged more strongly than they were in 1977 , they are only applied to very small developments .
17 A further problem is that no one is quite sure exactly what defines health care and social care , since an individual 's progress in responding to treatment is often measured by an improvement in the performance of social care tasks and everyday activities .
18 A further problem is that the governing authority of quangos often consists of a board or council .
19 A further problem is that the promotion , pay and career development of officials may be outside the control of immediate superiors and hence it may be difficult for the departmental head to have much impact upon the work , the responsibilities , the morale and the development of individuals within the organisation .
20 A further problem is the fact that place names may appear in a trivial context .
21 A further problem is that handwritten letters are contextually dependent on the surrounding letters ( e.g. the letter e is often written differently in the words gent and rent ) .
22 A further problem is that in most cases the witnesses ’ recollections of the events may have been biased by descriptions already given in interviews with the police and discussions they may have had with others .
23 A further problem is lack of evidence on farming methods .
24 This problem is accentuated by pilots being very tense and mis-timing the stick movements .
25 This problem is difficult enough ; but starting from the nature of mental representations , considered as entities poised somewhere between subject and object , guarantees failure .
26 This problem is very much in evidence in Cardiff .
27 This problem is common with fine lines when you tie any type of knot which entails pulling the line above the hook to tighten up the knot .
28 The only enduring solution to this problem is the replacement of the mortar fillet and soakers with a carefully installed sheet-lead stepped flashing .
29 ‘ The only way to resolve this problem is for the leadership to announce its intention to propose rule changes for next year 's party conference to introduce straight , undiluted one member , one vote for the selection of party candidates , ’ it added .
30 One way around this problem is tree-cyling .
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