Example sentences of "[adj] thing [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The kitchen was rather primitive with the wooden things painted red and a red and white gingham curtain hanging , cafe-style , across the lower half of the window .
2 A few things remained in the bureau drawer ; the odds and ends that accumulate in drawers : an engagement diary for 1981 which had only a few entries ; an old wallet , empty except for an out-of-date RAC membership card .
3 No I had a few things done , but
4 Gives me the chance to get a few things done . ’
5 which would give him a good break really to get a few things done .
6 Erm , so scale , proportion , those are the few , few things brought in together , we 'll st , we 'll start off with just weight , now we 'll find sort of weights of things , and then we 'll make it more and more difficult
7 It is called Macrae 's Monument and is one of the few things left in Ayrshire to remind us of a very remarkable man called James Macrae .
8 History , if it is fair , will probably say of Carter that he was able to get some things done but that he was n't able to lead , that he was n't able to get the confidence of the people . ’
9 Cos Moira often feels needs a break and then she can relax or else get some things done .
10 At Key Stage 2 this process will be developed further , for example by looking far more closely at aspects of change , and tracing out the way that some things changed .
11 It , it , it just went on for a lit a short time afterwards but er , but when the war ended course things , some things changed pretty rapidly as you can appreciate but , but by this time I , I was working for Ellwells then on long distance transport and we used to have to go and fetch tractors or bulldozers that had got armour plating on from Dagenham docks and bring them up here and start selling them to civic contractors and the , the Americans were selling a lot of equipment as well at end of the war , and I saw money made overnight like , people were buying the lorries and putting them on the road you know for work and transport firms and all that and they were getting some of them for next to nothing
12 Some things needed to change , but some needed to remain the same and I usually found myself in this place pulling at the forces of change as a child might pull at the reins of a runaway horse .
13 Er sanctifying grace natural grace , you know now they 're it 's all , it 's all help from God but clever thinkers have decided to split them up into various things , just like the way I mean for example er there 's so many different things made from oil , you know er like erm turpentine er petrol , diesel .
14 The normal activity you 'll find in a primary classroom is groups of children all doing different things scattered round the room .
15 There 's so many different things changed today as well , it 's impossible really to erm keep up with it now today I would think .
16 But when one considers the different things claimed as the key , comparisons crumble " ( Taylor 1978 : 9 ) .
17 And the Eclectic mix is what most of us are probably happiest with ; a little bit of everything , old and new , treasures , heirlooms and favourite things collected from all over .
18 Yeah , primary I think , roundabout primary four or five , cos that 's when they start talking about it , and that 's where you start getting all the the wrong things told to you in the playground , I mean I know that 's what happened to me .
19 You you ti , you tithe of your parsley , and your thyme , and your sage , yo you tithe of these things , when you , when you go and pick ten figs , you give one fig to th to God , you tithe of that but you 've left the weightier things undone .
20 BIG HARD EXCELLENT FISH Imperfect List ( One Little Indian ) Eerie synth chords and a list of unpleasant things recited by Scouse poet Josie Jones .
21 And then there is a different thing called date rape but there is no excuse for either I do n't think .
22 Eventually , we reach the council estate , which is shaped like a square C and ominous in the absence of lighting ( the bulbs having burnt themselves out of lamp-posts scrawny like some thing starved ) .
23 There was , just this square packet and this rubber thing shaped like an oval , and a row of yellow pills .
24 An arts student may have no arguments either way ; they 've just heard of this mystical thing called Science , but once you 've been doing Science , you realize that a statement like that just does not hold water , and so it enables faith to come far more easily .
25 Bags of kohlrabi and okra , sweet potatoes , chillies , Chinese-leaf lettuce and three pounds of a very peculiar thing called an edenwort , which looked like a beetroot going through a severe identity crisis .
26 My two realities were getting this thing done technically to technical excellence , which I was struggling with as I did n't know my stuff so well then , and also , managing to get a good performance out of David .
27 Listen : it 's taken me two years to get this thing done .
28 Erm and er he worked like the blazes to get this thing done .
29 The horror of Pearce 's fate and the appalling impossibility of this thing wedged in the windowframe stung Cardiff into action again .
30 Has this thing gone ?
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