Example sentences of "[adj] day the " in BNC.

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1 But if the farmer had agreed to insert the phrase ‘ Twenty Four Fine Days ’ in the contract instead of one month , the contract would operate on fine days only : on wet days the men would do their usual tasks about the farm , drawing their usual wage for those particular days .
2 And even in those pre-inflation days the price two years later was up to 2,500 guineas .
3 Yet even in those halcyon days the signs of trouble were there for those with the will to see them : the multi-media and multi-disciplinary avant-gardes were beginning to show up every NEA programme area ; the clamour for the funding of life-styles rather than art as traditionally defined was becoming louder , and the accepted definitions of art and the arts were everywhere coming under attack in grant applications as well as in panels .
4 In the old days the subtle relationships which constituted the Establishment at work would have prevented any such developments taking place .
5 In the old days the surgeon made an incision in the lower portion of the tummy and reached the enlarged gland that way , but before the coming of antibiotics it was quite common for infections to develop or for the prostate to turn cancerous .
6 ‘ In the old days the presenters were stars in their own right .
7 ‘ In the old days the agency head knew every one of his staff .
8 In the old days the journey took nine or ten days by camel .
9 In the old days the boys learned to step on two bricks .
10 Apparently in the good old days the rule was that all the uniforms got cleaned every six months , whether they needed it or not .
11 ‘ Look , in the old days the Mamur Zapt was responsible for bloody everything in the city .
12 Erm I know it 's associated with over extraction of water at certain points but but be that as it may , but in the old days the Sussex Lands Committee er used to be er a county function and did take an overview erm of the whole West Sussex scene in terms of what happened erm it is now really now erm not our responsibility , although we put members on it , it 's a now fairly weak er joint body but it 's pretty toothless .
13 The ministers also agreed to shorten from 120 days to 30 days the payment period for buying in grain for EC intervention stocks .
14 On some days the top of Pea Hill has been bathed in brilliant sunshine , while the valley of the River Wear ahead has been awash in a sea of grey , with tentacles of fog creeping outwards along hedges and gulleys into fields .
15 For some days the note lay untouched on the table .
16 For some days the government did nothing , shaken by these unprecedented disturbances .
17 Some days the schedule is very gentle , perhaps only three or four hours sailing ; leave in your own time , stop for a lunchtime swim , potter around a cave or whatever .
18 On some days the smoke is so thick here that it obscures the sun .
19 The lorries came and went on a service road near the town ; on some days the bulldozer clanked back and forth , crushing the rubbish into the soft , orange earth .
20 Although for many days the ship was becalmed and progress was slow , if at all , some days the vessel logged 12 knots and made good progress .
21 After a few days the head will collapse and leave a brownish pancake .
22 After a few days the eldest brother told me to come .
23 Yet in the last few days the Romanians have started underplaying the role of Timisoara in sparking off open opposition to Ceausescu , highlighting instead the undoubtedly fearless role of the citizens of Bucharest .
24 Over the next few days the press was busy reporting doubts about the political wisdom of abolishing SERPS among ‘ ministers and Conservative MPs ’ while the Opposition tabled a censure motion calling on the Government to withdraw its plans to abolish SERPS and its ‘ callous dismantling of the Welfare State ’ .
25 Over the next few days the local Maquis had gathered them up , somewhat improbably , in a bright red thirty-two-seater bus !
26 After a few days the surgeons opened her brain ( craniotomy ) from the right side , and clipped the aneurysms .
27 In a few days the effects of the anaesthetic will diminish and you will feel better .
28 Myxomatosis first shows as a swelling of eyes , ears and vent , and in the course of a few days the eyes fill with pus and the rabbit loses its sight .
29 However , after a few days the coral becomes accustomed to its resident , and behaves normally .
30 Sparrow Force landed at the island 's north-west port of Koebang to protect its airfield , but within a few days the Independent Company , with some Dutch troops , was sent east along the coast to occupy Dili in the Portuguese half of the island ( see map p. 77 ) where they landed on 17 December 1941 .
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