Example sentences of "[adj] people they " in BNC.

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1 Like all primitive peoples they believed in spirits with influence over human life .
2 An attempt to contact Sparrow Force was made by Bernard Callinan , with a Dutch native soldier , whose experience as a schoolmaster and whose knowledge of Portuguese , English and Malay were invaluable in translating the polyglot languages of the different people they met on the westward journey .
3 Erm Widdicombe quotes some people they 're all the same so what 's the point ?
4 I think some people they used to put a , I think some used a little sponge and put something on but I did n't .
5 He had taken his boys to the river , they had played tennis with some people they had got to know at the boathouse ; he had gone mushrooming in the early morning with the youngest one , whom the lethargy of youth had not yet struck .
6 You know you know some people they lose them a bit young do n't they .
7 I 'm not sure how well that would wash with some people they 're i in an area that , like yeah which was very er oppressed and where the , the warlords and the landlords were screwing the peasants I can see that there 's enough pent up er fear er and angers so that this might work but in other areas I do n't know effective this would be , that you
8 some people they only live for their partner do n't they and a thing like that get a
9 It 's about some people they were in a car and they had an accident and they knocked down a boy , that was riding on his bike .
10 Representatives of the few people they had come to know in the course of their wanderings round the world were left to clear up .
11 ‘ If students wish to have a meeting or party which includes more than 10 people they must have my permission , ’ she said .
12 Ah , what fine people they are , the Germans !
13 No , they 're not biased against white people they 're biased against us !
14 Since no one seems able to do anything with these people they wo n't mind what I get up to , tee-hee ! ’
15 For most of these people they were fighting a losing battle .
16 It 's a bit they , I mean these people they even do interest free credit
17 should they have to wait because but the , I , these people they are , they 've opted out of society , they want nothing to do
18 At their meeting in a London Methodist centre for homeless and rootless people they also talked about Diana 's recent marriage problems .
19 Are n't they cute , but can you identify the famous people they grew up to be ?
20 Many Home Helps become very fond of the elderly people they visit , often doing all kinds of extra jobs for them when they have the time , and the moral support they give to lonely old people is invaluable .
21 Add up how many adult workers there are and how many people they have to support .
22 All these diets are low-calorie ones , and for many people they have been highly successful .
23 It is not for the Home Secretary , government or the House to lay down to the courts how many people they send to prison .
24 Everyone suffers from them — and for many people they mean days of agonising pain .
25 The research aims to demonstrate that often young people ‘ talk down ’ , unnecessarily , to many people they consider elderly .
26 But for many people is n't it the case that the the church wedding is an an and the promises made the vows made before God and er before the the congregation , for many people they 're just a sort of rather erm oh dear how can I put it rather a flimsy frippery erm that they just feel it 's essential to have so that they can have the nice pictures and and look back on on a church wedding .
27 TERRORISTS who planted a 400lb bomb at a Glengormley hotel did n't care how many people they killed , local councillors have said .
28 how many people they 're gon na keep or not gon na keep so
29 I wonder how many people they have talking about dog crap .
30 The two or three families who had come without money or slaves and who had kept themselves rigorously segregated from the few black people they found already on the island , were still shunning newcomers .
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