Example sentences of "[adj] more or " in BNC.

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1 While doing rough justice to what Kirillov says , to his brand of mystical atheism , this more or less agreed summary is not convincingly inward with Dostoevsky 's creation .
2 Within this more or less static total , catalogue mail order credit has been expanding fairly fast .
3 In addition to this more or less regular sort of investiture , there seem to have been investitures on a number of special occasions , both state occasions such as the accession of a sultan , a victory or the birth of a prince , where the right of investiture extended to a number of scholars , and also more personal occasions such as a scholar 's acceding to a high learned office , where the right of investiture was limited to the individual involved .
4 He may have some more or less general ideas about how to go about solving problems without the knowledge and means to solve them himself .
5 He was one of those arrested in June , when Richard was moving towards the throne , and this was apparently accompanied by some more or less official seizure of his temporalities .
6 Claims that English in education could offer some more or less democratic alternative to popular culture began to appear immediately after the war .
7 But the principle remains essentially the same : a mixture of 3-D reality and 2-D illusion coexisting on the 2-D plane of the film 's emulsion and apparently representing some aspect of the 3-D actual world , or some more or less realistic fantasy world .
8 Rather naively , it has sometimes been suggested , either explicitly or implicitly , that it is some more or less faithful copy of the stimulus which is shunted from one side of the brain to the other .
9 One important by-product of this style of organisation is that cheese is still largely made in the farm villages , instead of in some more or less distant town cheese factory to which milk is conveyed by road .
10 Only political units which were small and remote from the international conflicts which agitated the greater powers , as were the Swiss cantons and some of the city-states of Germany and Italy , could hope to dispense permanently with some more or less effective form of kingship .
11 In small States it was often possible for the ruler to express very effectively by his own actions this paternalist view and to have some more or less personal contact with an appreciable fraction of his subjects .
12 In the past it has generally been assumed either that spending patterns will change incrementally from year to year or be based on some more or less rational overview of budgets .
13 Some ways in which the nobility profited from war were more acceptable to the mores of the age than others , some more or less guaranteed reward , while others gave opportunity to gamble for high profits .
14 He was one of those arrested in June , when Richard was moving towards the throne , and this was apparently accompanied by some more or less official seizure of his temporalities .
15 Even the Ottoman empire began for the first time in its history to acquire some more or less clearly defined boundaries when , after the treaty of Carlowitz of 1699 , joint commissions were set up to demarcate its frontiers with Habsburg territory .
16 The first difficulty is , despite the destructions , the enormous number of existing pictures , many of them signed , and in one way or another more or less Bellinesque .
17 No molecule of our body survives unchanged for more than a few weeks or months ; over that period , even in adults , it is synthesized , plays its part in the cellular economy , and is then discarded , broken down and replaced by another more or less identical .
18 I can count on the fingers of one hand all the journalists I have met who are committed to telling the truth about my field as well as they can discover it , No one could organise censorship so effectively in America , so the distortions in the press must reflect countless more or less independent decisions by editors and reporters which lead to the perpetuation of a misleading and intellectually fallacious understanding of a serious scientific subject .
19 Indeed , the achievement of a disciplinary identity based upon academic research had by the late 19305 more or less excluded the amateur scholar-gentleman .
20 That more or less exhausted now .
21 She had a nice car before Chris made her have that more or less .
22 In such cases , the ‘ reference ’ collections of the city library are normally divided up into subject departments , each of these more or less autonomous in its selection of materials .
23 The function of executive management is therefore to plan , coordinate and control the work of these more or less autonomous responsibility centres .
24 Angelica loved the valley people — some of them , anyway but at times she could find them … well , basic more or less summarised the idea .
25 Batty more or less played this 5 man in defence anyway with just the odd run forward , so maybe Wilko will just ask him to drop back a bit .
26 There were various more or less half-hearted attempts to get over the finality of this selection .
27 Various more or less precise suggestions as to the structure of such a federation were put forward by different writers in the earlier years of this period — by the Quaker William Penn in his Essay towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe ( 1693 ) , by another Quaker , John Bellers , in his Some Reasons for an European State ( London , 1710 ) , by the author of the anonymous Cardinal Alberoni 's Scheme for reducing the Turkish Empire to the Obedience of Christian Princes ( London , 1736 ) and by Saint-Pierre himself .
28 Depending upon the attitude of his parents , he may begin to feel that he is either far more or far less important than the other children of the family and this too will affect his relationship with them .
29 Thus Sunni power came to be founded upon Shia poverty , the first more or less conditional upon the second .
30 TWENTY more or less innocent little faces looked at the pianist and the two teachers and chanted : ‘ Thank you Mary , thank you Brenda , thank you Michael . ’
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