Example sentences of "[adj] time her " in BNC.

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1 This time her eyes rattled as well as her teeth .
2 During this time her two-year-old daughter died .
3 During this time her sole contact with a European has been a fortnight with a German woman in Algeria .
4 This time her eyes were troubled , compassionate .
5 This time her mouth fell open so fast that she nearly lost her top dentures .
6 Julia , of course , is the pretty one , with the cameras doting lovingly on her legs , but this time her wealthy mentor ( Campbell Scott ) has a terminal illness and her wide grin is supplanted by quivering lips .
7 At this time her intravenous infusion was removed and she seemed more relaxed but still complained of pain from her wound .
8 But Jezrael launched herself , rolling , this time her feet slamming into Zuleika 's middle just as Zuleika wildly stabbed the button on her stunner .
9 This time her laughter was richer , deeper , and when Li Yuan looked up again he saw the delight in her face .
10 This time her reaction was very different : ‘ I feel like crying .
11 This time her smile was in open acknowledgement of her own efficiency .
12 At this time her husband was in fact not at home .
13 This time her silence was longer .
14 ‘ Think no more of it , I pray you , except — ’ she paused in the act of motioning Isabel behind the screen , and this time her smile was one of pure feminine conspiracy ‘ — do not dismiss him as another rough , unchivalrous soldier , Isabel .
15 Usually she cries like the rain we had on a holiday once , up in Scotland — a soft , grey drizzle — but this time her body shook with real sobs .
16 A morning off , she took them occasionally when she felt put upon , but this time her ire and suspicion were aimed at him .
17 This time her cousin 's laugh was confident .
18 It did n't take long to get to Lori 's suite , but this time her knock took longer to be answered .
19 But this time her surgeon thinks it will be a success .
20 For the hundredth time her insides twisted and shivered with excitement .
21 When she came in for the second time her throat was like looking at a plate full of strawberries and cream — red enlarged tonsils with a coating of puss .
22 The man moved efficiently past a child who had succeeded in entangling her pony 's reins with her feet and who was being blasted for it by a girl who could n't have been more than sixteen , but was sounding like a woman three times her age .
23 She 's worked this summer like a lad three times her size !
24 I remember being one of the most disgusted when Susan Grillet married a Beastly Baronet nearly three times her age .
25 For a long time her hands , especially the tips of her fingers , had been covered in dreadful wart-like sores .
26 " We 've been together a long time Her voice went thick and inarticulate .
27 The former is of interest only in that she happens to be married to the gorgeous Richard Gere , who not only has ten times her talent but ten times her looks ( do people really find that hideous mole of hers attractive ? ) .
28 The former is of interest only in that she happens to be married to the gorgeous Richard Gere , who not only has ten times her talent but ten times her looks ( do people really find that hideous mole of hers attractive ? ) .
29 It was the first time her father had hit her and he looked upset , but suddenly she was very calm and her voice was steady as she said , ‘ I 'm sorry .
30 It was n't the first time her pupil had mentioned Rossmayne and each time the girl 's face had lit up in a way which made the nun catch her breath .
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