Example sentences of "[adj] year [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It used to form part of a trade route in Neolithic times ( 4,000–2,000 years BC ) , providing access between the Norfolk Coast and the downlands of South Central England .
2 They 've all been ele these three councillors have been elected at different , in different years okay ?
3 30 years ago on Trinity Sunday , 28 May 1961 , the British Lawyer , Peter Beneson ( right ) started Amnesty International .
4 He is frequently described as ‘ having the stoop of an ageing crop-picker and the face of a curious little boy ’ — which may have been true 30 years ago , but now belongs to the discard-tray with other caricatures : caricatures , as Oscar Wilde observed , are compliments that mediocrity pays to genius .
5 Our properties were here 30 years ago , the impact we have now comes from our staff . ’
6 C Walker and Sons was founded in Blackburn 30 years ago by two brothers , Jack and Fred Walker , with a few thousand pounds of capital and has grown from a business with a turnover of under £100,000 in the late 1950s to a £620m concern with 3,400 employees in the UK and Ireland and profits last year of £48.4m .
7 Ski areas tend to be as fragmented now as they were 20 or 30 years ago .
8 • Phil Hill was honoured by the race organisers to mark the world title the American diver won 30 years ago .
9 According to Lotus associate director Albert Adams — a world authority on composites and the man who , 30 years ago , was told by Chapman to ‘ learn all about glass-fibre ’ — it could be from the escalating costs of tooling up for pressed-steel car production .
10 He compared it with the scheme 30 years ago when Britain built tall chimneys to disperse pollution over a wide area .
11 SOME 30 years ago , whenever Professor Wilfrid Bach ventured to blow his nose he faced a hazard which has affected his thinking for life .
12 Despite her success , Buchi Emecheta still feels about this country much as she did when she first arrived 30 years ago , on a grey March morning in Liverpool .
13 Printers , traditionally an exclusive ‘ closed shop ’ of workers , say that initiation ceremonies for apprentices are less common now than 20 or 30 years ago .
14 Scientists and musicians have struggled to add feeling to synthesised computer-music ever since Max Mathews first helped to teach computers to play , more than 30 years ago .
15 Muslims started to arrive in Britain in large numbers about 30 years ago .
16 Buick has even revived the Roadmaster , a name last used in Buick 's heyday 30 years ago for massive , popular hunks of steel and chrome .
17 Little has altered to make finance in America and Britain suddenly different from the way it was 10 , 20 or even 30 years ago .
18 HE last time that the European Community tried to create a ‘ political union ’ , 30 years ago , it all ended in tears .
19 Since betting was legalised 30 years ago , bookmakers have not been allowed to do anything that might ‘ stimulate ’ a punter to bet .
20 It seems the industry is just not learning because we are continuing to see the same accidents we saw 30 years ago , ’ says John Summerscales , deputy chief inspector .
21 Again , most come from the local supermarket except for the small , but spectacular scarlet ‘ Flamboyant ’ , brought more than 30 years ago .
22 David Rigg , commercial development director , reminisced nostalgically that there has not been such a boom in his business since the rush to decolonise Africa some 30 years ago .
23 Retailers say Pentland Crown , the Scottish-bred variety which increased farmers ' yields by up to 20 per cent when it was introduced 30 years ago , bruises too easily and goes black .
24 But it would be regarded as less serious than 20 to 30 years ago , and less so in the theatrical and film worlds where it 's regarded as almost normal . ’
25 That is really what made Danish ballet such a discovery for the rest of Europe 30 years ago .
26 To think that not less than 30 years ago we still had a fiver worthy of the 18th century and felt no need to supplement the revenue by the constant issuing of new postage stamps .
27 Once , 25 or 30 years ago , they were working class East-Enders who could n't run a business but found in driving a cab a way to be free .
28 HAMPSHIRE born and bred , the Tyler-Upfields each started going to Cornwall with their buckets and spades 30 years ago .
29 People forget — until one day somebody realises a farmer is paying a rent established 30 years ago , and then all hell is let loose in the sleepy meeting in the back room of the pub .
30 More than 30 years ago BBC Radio carried out a ‘ Which ? ’ -type survey of football ground toilets .
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