Example sentences of "[adj] who in " in BNC.

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1 He is a " guardian " , one of three who in The Cocktail Party adopt a benign role in curing or assuaging human misery .
2 Then came the Reverends Brown and Cope , and it was the latter who in 1877 witnessed the radical and excessive restoration of the ancient whitewashed church to produce what from a distance looks almost totally Victorian with its new little lead-covered spire and shingled bell turret .
3 After all who in their right mind would reject enthusiastic and cost-free labour ?
4 We pray for pilgrims , those who are here , those who are with us through radio transmission , for all who in life 's pilgrimage seek to follow Jesus ; help us to follow Jesus , and with Your help be triumphant ; grant us the wisdom to know and the courage to do Your will .
5 For many who in the early twentieth century longed for the ‘ regeneration ’ of Spain , the phrase ‘ oligarchy and caciquismo ’ summed up the country 's ills .
6 Chapters 7–8 Who in the story …
7 It is neither composed of VC holders or aspirants nor of those who in earlier days would have been shot for cowardice .
8 Those who in peacetime seemed brave or merely quaint for believing in all those old doctrines found themselves in wartime much in demand , some as evangelists , some as prophets , some as teachers .
9 Nor can he always rely on the help of those who in any other industry or service you might expect to be on his side .
10 They are spoken of as ‘ the consumers ’ or ‘ the customers ’ , those who in the end have to approve the ‘ product ’ .
11 Then follow safeguards , to help those who in conscience can not accept women as priests or as the ‘ head ’ of local churches .
12 Someone directing others needs to know the Bible as his own resource of study and meditation , to know its teaching about man 's relationship with God in covenant , encounter , incorporation , to know both its teaching on prayer and those who in its pages are seen at prayer .
13 I arrived there during the last day of it , and heard Dr. Bernardo pleading eloquently on behalf of the children he labours so unweariedly to rescue from the streets of our great cities , and also saw a gathering of the colporteurs gathered from the north and west , to get a word of encouragement in their laborious work of carrying pure literature into the homes of those who in numbers of instances live beyond the reach of the minister and the bookseller .
14 Certain it is , in stormy weather , from any point of the compass you will have a blow on Stormy Hill , and it does further seem as if it were tenanted by those who in the voyage of life have weathered storms quite as real , — long sickness , pinching poverty , and mayhap , in some cases , that very terrible malady when it becomes chronic , a disinclination to regular work ; and their present lot is one of storms , — few comforts and short allowance even of the needs of life within doors , and the wintry blasts without ; and failing health and increasing age give small prospect of much more of the sunshine or fewer of the blasts on this side of the dark River Jordan .
15 Whilst Underwood 's somewhat arbitrary classification is now little used , the patterns which he detected , multi-strand lines and spirals , continue to be found by those who in some cases have had little contact with his original work .
16 The Oxenhope Straw Race has a long way to go before it reaches its centenary , but the aims of the people who organise it and take part are the same as those who in the nineteenth century began the hospital sings at Holmfirth and Mapplewell .
17 These cogitations are worth quoting in full , as they so accurately reflect , albeit in a more lucid form than that usually encountered , the thinking of those who in the next few decades were to give away the empire in the belief that they were acting to preserve it .
18 As much because of what is left unsaid as because of what is directly described , The Albatross is one of those exceptions which suggest that the junior adventure story has always suffered under unnecessary limitations : the names that stand out in the genre are those who in various ways have ignored or overridden these limitations .
19 Charles Booth and Joseph Chamberlain were among those who in the 1880s and 1890s pointed out that old age was a significant cause of poverty and pauperism .
20 For the most part , however , those who in this century have disliked or feared democracy , at least in the sense of popular power , have found more subtle and sophisticated ways of formulating these traditional sentiments .
21 This notion of the instrumental object as an extension of being should not , however , be reduced to a relationship of efficiency , since an agriculturalist may wax more lyrical about a musical instrument than a plough , and the microcomputer 's popularity may be greater among those who in common parlance ‘ waste time ’ in obsessive programming or games , than among those who use it as a practical means to some other end .
22 Last , those who in the throes of passion drop
23 In a way , this attitude is similar to that of those who in earlier centuries discouraged scientific investigation by saying that all natural phenomena were the work of God and should not be inquired into .
24 The Israeli government insisted that while the Palestinian representatives should be drawn from the occupied territories rather than the Palestinian " diaspora " ( a term which included those who in 1948 had left what was then Palestine , and their descendants ) , they should not be residents of Jerusalem ( as were both Husseini and Ashrawi ) .
25 The Frankie character is one of those who in any crisis acts swiftly , decisively and disastrously .
26 The winners will be those who in the opinion of the Judges , have answered the questions correctly and supplied the most appropriate tie-breaker .
27 Walcott suggested there was a three-fold division in the House of Commons at this time : the government interest , which comprised placemen , pensioners and those who in other ways were dependent upon the Court for their position ; a large body of independent back-bench MPs ; and a middle group of professional politicians , which could be divided into seven " connections " , each tied together by family and personal relationships and electoral interests , and which were caught in a struggle for power between the " ins " and " outs " .
28 No it is n't erm and erm even those who in , in my experience who did get through there was just an occasional er time when they did n't pass that part of it , they , they , they , they could n't quite manage that , the height side frightened them and er they failed , erm so there 's quite a lot of demands on them and I 'm sure that a lot of women could do it and a lot of women if they had the chance would do it or would , if they were willing to do it , but it 's not something that grabs most women , I do n't think it does , I think it 's the physical side that puts them off , and that is what is the problem with the Fire Service , it is a physical job .
29 The Smithsonian 's first art museum , the Freer Gallery , opened in 1923 , the gift of Detroit railroad car manufacturer Charles Lang Freer who in 1906 left to the nation his collection of Asian and nineteenth- and early twentieth-century American art , along with funds to build and endow an Italian palazzo on the National Mall .
30 They found themselves rubbing shoulders with right-wing MPs , the same who in 1984 organised a million-strong demonstration in support of private schools and for the right of the parents to choose , and who today declare themselves staunch supporters of the state secular education system .
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