Example sentences of "[adj] that most " in BNC.

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31 The quantity of nuclease used and the incubation times were chosen such that most of the DNA was digested in the absence of NCp7 .
32 For many , ‘ law ’ and ‘ order ’ refer to the ideal of legality ( or ‘ the rule of law ’ ) — and while it is clear that this does not refer to an uncontroversial notion , it is arguable that most people would agree on certain core features of the rule of law : a congruence of official action with a previously declared rule so as to preserve individual autonomy and freedom from arbitrary state power , and a notion of equal treatment of individuals in the eye of the law .
33 Secondly , it is arguable that most other theories , e.g. those based on semantic components , can be subsumed within it , in so far as they are built on consistent and logical lines .
34 In fact with product placement turning the feature film into a series of disguised commercials , it 's actually quite appropriate that most modern Hollywood product is best consumed as an advert .
35 Her doctor was convinced that most of Edith 's problems were psychosomatic , but he referred her to a specialist who was interested in such cases .
36 Put simply , John was almost convinced that most cancers are viruses ; the immune system knows that the body has been invaded and sends out its army of antibodies who fail to recognise the enemy and so can not destroy it .
37 I am totally convinced that most grown-ups have completely forgotten what it was like to be a child between say the age of five and ten .
38 Obviously , we are convinced that most drinkers will choose Guinness ’
39 John is convinced that most of the houses ghostly happenings are come from one place ; the so-called Bishop 's bedroom .
40 Mr Patten remains convinced that most secondary schools will opt out within four years but is worried by the success of local campaigns against the switch .
41 The parents charter is an important part of that and I am glad that most schools have ignored the attitudes of those Labour authorities .
42 The crisis is hitting so hard that most of the people are unemployed , and you see children begging in the streets or forced to go out to work .
43 If we say , say twenty five percent , right mind you , you know these that most people have about a third to two thirds right
44 Many of Morse 's ideas were either so strange or so wildly improbable that most of them were always doomed to early disappointment .
45 As for ( b ) , by supporting Iraq in the Gulf war Mr Arafat made himself so unpopular that most Arab governments no longer want him to be involved .
46 Although code switching is as much an " insider " activity as talking itself for those communities which practise it , it is remarkable that most communities do not have a set of " folk linguistic " categories which relate to this mode of talk .
47 Which makes it unfortunate that most of them were penned in watching the TV with their goggling , chain-smoking parents .
48 It is lucky that most plant toxins are bitter or unpleasant to taste or smell .
49 It was natural that most of them were educated at Oxford or Cambridge , since until the Victorian age those were the two places for training the clergy of the Church .
50 But they 're frustrated that most of the time , they 're forced to rely on a helping hand .
51 But they 're frustrated that most of the time , they 're forced to rely on a helping hand .
52 But they 're frustrated that most of the time , they 're forced to rely on a helping hand .
53 By its very nature it is likely that most will be potential problems relevant to the circumstances ( though there may be actual problems too ) , and , therefore , the goals set and the mutually agreed nursing interventions will be mainly preventive in nature .
54 Meanwhile , it looks likely that most of the official aid to the repatriation process will be channelled through Guatemalan government agencies , given to the very people responsible for the refugee crisis in the first place .
55 it is likely that most of the visitors , as they stand looking at Mary Alice , wonder about the men who flew in her and what a 30 mission combat tour ’ entailed to these men of the 8th USAAF during the daylight bombing offensive in occupied Europe .
56 Because of their place in maintaining and servicing a household and its members , it is of course likely that most of these exchanges entailing practical support were between women .
57 It is likely that most Partnerships will wish to employ more comprehensive monitoring and evaluation techniques .
58 It is likely that most of the country will be influenced by hose pipe bans during this summer , therefore it will be necessary for most of us to use buckets .
59 He belonged to a transitional phase , but it is likely that most sculptors at most times , though some certainly worked chiefly in one material , were at home in both .
60 It is likely that most behaviour patterns are controlled by many more than two genes .
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