Example sentences of "[adj] the next " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is n't that the next question ? ’
2 So , that the next meeting .
3 Is that the next bit ?
4 He also remembered that he 'd said he 'd ring Frances about the possibility of going down to Miles and Juliet 's on the Sunday , but decided to do that the next morning .
5 Was that the next year ?
6 It is a vastly complex process and unless you get it right in one , you will never live to tell the tale , to get it right the next time , in order to ‘ evolve ’ the skill !
7 At eleven the next morning , Tolonen was standing at the West Window in the Room of the Five Directions in the East Palace at Tongjiang , looking out across the gardens towards the lake .
8 Once in her suite of rooms she sat down at a little Louis Quinze escritoire , its pale grey panels painted with carnations and pinks , and wrote a short letter to her faithless lover , asking him to call on her urgently at the embassy at eleven the next morning .
9 She thought that she never wanted to sleep with Jim again , that the bonds of love were snares and that she must at all costs leave as early as possible the next morning and never come back .
10 Nor would the expedition have been possible the next winter .
11 When his three-year-old son saw the rods he started crying and said he wanted to go fishing , and was still upset the next morning .
12 This overnight crossing is ideal : ships sail at 6 pm , allowing time for a drink before dinner , a visit to the cinema , disco or gambling tables afterwards , then a night 's sleep , and breakfast before disembarkation at eight the next morning .
13 The teacher turned up at the police station at eight the next morning to tell me she was taking responsibility for my daughter .
14 Fabia was up , dressed and down to breakfast by eight the next morning .
15 So let's sum up , I treated a similar case with 5 times the amount of fluid than the article used , the case was solid the next day and was viewed for 3 days and had no greying off and the colour was really good .
16 Mona and Sheila rose earlier than usual the next morning .
17 They would load it for Pelham Street after a day 's work in the factory , drive there and back in a night , and report for work as usual the next morning .
18 On Saturday afternoons he shouted advice to the televised footballers , but often fell asleep the next minute , with a can of light ale in his hand .
19 See how horrendous the next one is and then panic .
20 And what followed to capitalise on this the next day ?
21 How could he hold her so tenderly one moment , only to treat her like this the next ?
22 In part two : Spin and win … is this the next Ayrton Senna ?
23 Do this the next day .
24 Being an executive one day and unemployed the next brings an added trauma .
25 What 's abhorrent one week will be funny the next .
26 ‘ Now , can I pay half this month and half the next ? ’
27 We first of all we used to give the food parcel every fortnight because it was half one week and half the next and now it 's a food parcel every week so they they 're guaranteed that basic sustenance you know and erm and we 'll keep up the up th up the fund raising and the money 's certainly still pouring in .
28 Alix bought some the next day , on her free half day in Cambridge before she took the Bletchley route to her Oxford interview ( for she was a clever girl , Alix ) — but she never dared to apply it , save in the privacy of her own room , until she went to Cambridge herself as a bona fide student the following autumn .
29 My father was n't too popular the next day when he told them what had happened .
30 These 2000 most frequent word groups are then arranged into four ‘ sluices ’ so that Sluice 1 contains the most frequent 500 words , Sluice 2 the next most frequent 500 words , and so on .
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