Example sentences of "[adj] and [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Her personality was drab , earnest and humourless and her appearance calculatedly unattractive .
2 Secondly , he ignored folk memory of the English and the noble Scottish and their depredations : à propos , a story came to light much later , and recurs in local annals and in the works of many Johnsonian students
3 Money was not lacking : George Cadbury promised £600 a year for five years beginning in 1895 and his brother , Richard , agreed to do the same .
4 Aghredien , who played for SARU and is classified as coloured ( his father was Malayan and his mother Norwegian ) , has been working hand in hand with Bill Cunningham — a back-row forward , who played for the Springboks on their 1959 internal tour — to develop rugby in townships around Port Elizabeth for nearly two decades .
5 Hugh Despenser the younger had already petitioned the king on the grounds that the charges against him were erroneous and his condemnation illegal , particularly because so few prelates were present in the parliament which gave judgement .
6 The tiny samples of lacquer were progressively heated to about 350o C , ionised and their decomposition products analysed in a quadrupole mass spectrometer .
7 What could be the grounds for this and their success ?
8 The Junkers , predictably , wanted none of this and their interests in the government , civil service and the military persuaded the government to continue shoring up the ailing Ost-Elbian estate system through continued tariff protection , artificially high grain prices and a policy of grants and loans .
9 We 'd look to advice from the Ministry of Agriculture on this and their view to m their their willingness to make a positive contribution to the development of the e er assessment in terms of the er erm the availability and distribution of the the best and most versatile land .
10 Her surprise at this and her immediate step backwards allowed the other one , now passing behind her , the opportunity to wrench her handbag from her grasp .
11 Julie had bathed on the previous evening and in view of this and her discomfort it was agreed that shaving and skin preparation would be carried out in theatre .
12 She did not understand why they should be doing this and her failure to understand reminded her of something .
13 The proposed change involved the deletion of this and its substitution by the following :
14 This and its position , perched on steep ground yet effectively sheltered by the hillside behind , make it one of Lakeland 's finest climbing crags .
15 This and its tributaries , helped to create a thriving cloth trade in Painswick .
16 Initially , both this and its French counterpart , the Academie des Sciences , were concerned as much with what we could call technology as with science .
17 JET is very near to this and its present programme may achieve this .
18 The process leading up to this and its likely consequences for teaching are discussed in detail in the article by Walsh .
19 Usually , a pregnant goat will not come on heat , but there are exceptions to both this and its converse .
20 Judging from this and its unusual style , the key could be late in period ( 3rd or 4th century ) , although I have no hard evidence to support this view .
21 Er , I do n't know what , and I think he , we he sent for that book , I sent for this and its different issues which you can possibly used in erm P S D se er , etcetera and there 's a number which I feel work across the years rather than just you know , sort of one year book for example there 's a a unit there Terry and
22 Me old man right , me uncle , me uncle used to live in a house which used to digging in the back garden , this piece of fucking dirt and he pulled out this and its sort of round , my old man 's gone , no he , he said er I would n't dig there any more
23 Oh I 'll wear this and me leggings do n't think we 'll need to take a dressing gown do you ?
24 If your current account is with Barclays , you can easily arrange for sums to be transferred between this and your Capital Advantage account .
25 This and your land , ’ Loppe had added , after a silence .
26 Forget this and your report will fail .
27 my Lord the fifth point in relation to question three , C , we 've always understood this to be a threshold bond , we 've concentrated on the words capable in law in relation to section fourteen , there are two ways of viewing this and your Lordship will clearly have to take a view on whether er one or both of these is a proper issue under clause three , C one , first of all is , is , is section fourteen itself capable of restricting the competition , is it in itself a restriction of competition , well we took your Lordship the C B R case , the case of the commission in which an ouster clause was held to infringe article eighty five , because of it 's interrelationship with the other restrictions and so section fourteen is bad if the other restrictions are made out as a matter of competition law , that we say is a question of fact and we therefore answer that part of three C by saying it 's not capable in law
28 He commented specifically on this and his use of the Faulkner quotation by saying , ‘ When the writer has some urgency to speak , the subject matter becomes almost irrelevant . ’
29 He lost some of his sparkle after this and his final game for us was at Swindon on Easter Monday 1935 when he scored our goal in a l-l draw .
30 Charles Reid also has a tape on painting flowers and in this and his other fine , lively and entertaining videos , Portraits in Watercolour and The Figure in Watercolour ( Teaching Art Ltd ) he stresses the importance of light .
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