Example sentences of "[adj] [num ord] year " in BNC.

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1 duty and pleasure in this 1102nd year of
2 This second year of decline followed eight years of modest growth ; but over the long term independent schools have been losing market share .
3 This second year in the life of the Enterprise Centre has been characterised by both innovative ‘ pilot ’ programmes of enterprise work and by future development of initiatives commenced last year .
4 This thirty-seventh year of my marriage is the happiest yet , and hopefully the festivities will echo in some way through the generations to follow us .
5 He was ( in retrospect ) surprisingly luke warm about the potential of cross-London links — ‘ show me the market ’ — although he was no doubt pleased to accept in this first year in office an offer from the GLC to fund the third-rail electrification over 8½ miles between Dalston and North Woolwich .
6 Only key stages 1–3 were affected during this first year .
7 This first year end will inevitably be a difficult one because of all the new situations which have to be dealt with .
8 Another factor which may have been important in this first year of the reforms was the determination of these pioneering fundholders to ensure the success of the scheme .
9 Obviously , the Maastricht mess has dogged this first year , so it is difficult to assess what impact , if any , the supposedly new caring Major and his cabinet have had on social policy .
10 The repayments in this first year are :
11 In all , of the 350 commitments in the original White Paper , more than 200 have already been fulfilled in this first year alone and significant progress has been made with the remainder .
12 The Administration Centre has been expanding over this first year .
13 Yeah , because this first year is an induction year .
14 you need to this first year and it gets you up to that level
15 So it , it is hard to say , erm and I would n't like to make a prediction except that I think the number of postgraduate students may have fallen more than the number of undergraduate students , and that we may see already even in this first year erm a substantial not altogether healthy change in the national makeup of overseas students .
16 George Marshall , head of human resources , said : ‘ We will have an intake of 20–30 first year apprentices in September .
17 George Marshall , head of human resources , said : ‘ In spite of our current employment difficulties , but looking to the future of our business , I am announcing we will have an intake of 20–30 first year apprentices in September .
18 Forty-five first year lambs were put below , then came the muscular double-fleeced adults .
19 When Sri Hinduja , head of the richest Indian family and seventh richest man in the world , threw a party to celebrate the Hindu festival of light last year , he hired the V&A Museum .
20 I thought we gave Wendy some last year
21 I 've no idea , in fact last year , did he give you some last year ?
22 He had yes he had some some last year .
23 Worlwide last year it was over $200 so it 's big business and very well organised.It 's undoubtedlty the Triads in the Far East and the Mafia in America .
24 Concerned that the imposition of VAT on domestic power and light next year will cause hardship , the Consumers ' Association wants better advice to help people reduce bills and conserve energy .
25 Each year the 20-year-old comes up with two unique designs for Christmas cards and calendars which have proved extremely popular last year he sold 40,000 .
26 They were so popular last year .
27 The final reading on the Footsie cash market was 2640.2 , up 39.7 points and 39.4 short of the indicator 's all time high , registered on September 2 last year .
28 Winners of Group 2 last year , Surrey girls , returned to the top to win the Group 1 title for the ninth time .
29 But production only reached 421,000 last year and the real bright spot was Land-Rover , whose Discovery model helped it achieve the best year for sales since the first Land-Rover rolled out in 1948 , while productivity jumped 25 per cent .
30 And then the annual parish council meeting was May the fourteenth last year so the corresponding date will be
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