Example sentences of "[adj] [num ord] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I told myself , she loves me , yes , but she 's having sensible second thoughts about getting something going with a washed-up ex-racing driver . ’
2 You are probably experiencing a few second thoughts , not to mention sleepless nights , over a business arrangement or joint undertaking .
3 Camerun would not drink , feeling his head hum already with the gathering pressure in the village and with his compulsive second thoughts about his speech .
4 This was arrested , but the following day — 11 November — a renewed German attack by the 4th Guards Division was launched in the southern sector against the British 1st Guards Brigade : the two crack units of the opposing armies .
5 49ers coach George Seifert said : ‘ I think that was one of the most exciting fourth quarters I 've seen . ’
6 At a Methodist sixth formers course at Eastbourne in the winter holidays when I was fifteen I met David .
7 But some sixth formers are n't convinced .
8 In 1990 , an interesting phonological analysis of the structure of English first names was published in the Journal of Linguistics ( by Anne Cutler and two colleagues at Cambridge ) .
9 To pull this off , the government should keep in mind some first principles .
10 In order to comprehend the direction and scope of the modern law of contract , it is therefore helpful to return to some first principles of political and moral philosophy .
11 Some first degrees should also be lengthened to four years .
12 Some first impressions and , early experiences of college life remain clearly in my mind — what was this new world where the academic staff all taught , but many of them were not ‘ teachers ’ like me but engineers or nurses or painters and decorators ?
13 Last year , on the back of industry acclaim for its work , 88open took some first steps beyond the 88000 horizon by offering its binary testing suites to other manufacturers and bodies .
14 Last year , on the back of industry acclaim for its work , 88open took some first steps beyond the 88000 horizon by offering its binary testing suites to other vendors and organisations .
15 Consequently , some first performances also prove to be the last .
16 There were a few first ascents , climbed mainly before everyone got bored with the weather and sloped off abroad .
17 Not to be confused with the swept-wing Delta stunters , the 2-line Diamonds , known generically as Peter Powell types , although not always the size or the quality of Peter 's long serving originals , are popular first kites .
18 The University will reach its target of 5000 students next September with the admission of a new intake of 1150 first years .
19 There will be 105 first prizes of £1.7 million each .
20 But given the quality of MI5 's intelligence displayed during the Gulf war , when it was used as evidence against alleged Iraqi fifth columnists , increased involvement by the agency does not inspire confidence .
21 There is nothing more depressing than a collection of so-called first editions and rare items displaying faded spines , mull bursting through cracked hinges , scarred leather inadequately treated with greasy polish , mending tape of various hues round the spine , head and tail bands hanging forlornly and , perhaps worst of all , a badly lettered brown paper cover holding the whole thing together .
22 18.45 First police and firemen arrive .
23 Their gripping ascent of The Bat , immortalised by Smith 's classic article The Bat and The Wicked , has become one of the most celebrated first ascents of all time .
24 And while both conglomerates needed independent producers to supply them with quota films ( they showed 49 British first features between them in 1963 ) , the supply was sufficiently buoyant that they could pick and choose .
25 While modular course choices may in fact be broader than many others , this is a reflection of the specialized nature of British first degrees rather than a consequence of modularity per se , which permits ( within the limits of course requirements ) either breadth or specialization .
26 12 2nd prizes
27 Others think the ‘ elitist ’ element should be provided by the establishment of graduate schools as in the American system , much admired in Germany , by which the high flyers can continue their specialised research training after fairly general and not too demanding first degrees .
28 Between 1918 and 1939 a total of 837 awards were made , with 12 first bars and only three second bars .
29 And food and sacrifice Of fresh first fruits , crisp bud , green shoot , the corn Plumping in the ear , waving in harvest Can be expected .
30 An attack by the French First and British Fifth armies was launched on 22 October ; another by the Second Army on the 26th ; and yet another on 30 October .
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