Example sentences of "[adj] [n mass] by " in BNC.

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1 The kitchen and breakfast room were joined to create a spacious 22ft by 15ft area .
2 THEN replace each wn by wn — sn(Ij) ;
3 THEN replace each wn by wn + sn(Ij) .
4 In an attempt to deter miners from returning , the airspace over the Yanomami reserve has been closed to private aircraft by the Brazilian air force and a radar system has been installed in Boa Vista , the state capital , to monitor violations .
5 Like the Bishop 's Castle Railway , the TVLR Company remained in the hands of the Receiver , and was in debt to the Cambrian Railway to the tune of £40,676 16s 8d by 1917 .
6 We shall consider these changes in more detail in Chapter 6 , and relate them to spatial data by reference principally to female and part-time employees .
7 The share of demand for natural gas should rise to some 17% by the year 2000 .
8 The APT has been applied to British data by Diacogiannis , ; who used 302 monthly observations for 200 securities between November 1956 and December 1981 .
9 And it is predicted by the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change that , if things go on as they are today , average temperatures will increase by a further 1°C by 2025 and 3°C by the end of the next century .
10 Oil accounted for over 60% of demand in 1983 but this proportion will fall to some 55% by the end of the century due to the faster rate of increase in demand for gas and coal .
11 It expects the commercial market to grow to $20.8b by 1996 with 25% accounted for by Unix OLTP solutions and a further 25% by Unix OLTP solutions with a TP monitor .
12 In most of the examples discussed in this chapter , the finished product is a smooth curve which resembles what we might have drawn if we had smoothed the raw data by eye ; looking from the smooth back to the rough we could usually see the trend in the raw data .
13 In particular , the ‘ state of the art ’ in the collection and processing of raw data by the Soviet Central Statistical Administration is something about which rather little is known .
14 Ask Computer Systems Inc 's Ingres Corp plans to enhance its relational database management system to manage multidimensional data by the end of next year .
15 Inchcape is paying £40.4m for the holding , with an option to take its stake to 24.6% by paying another £41m by July next year .
16 We used to send fresh fish by rail but now most goes into the new freezing factories .
17 While few of us are so lucky , we can enjoy the flavour of fresh fish by simply cooking them whole .
18 During these years she also held the British record for endurance swimming , extending it from 26 hrs. in January 1930 to 44 hrs. 30 min. by the end of the year , then to 45 hrs. in 1931 , and finally to 46 hrs. in 1932 .
19 The Seville Junta behaved with criminal selfishness and , but for the moderation of its general , it might have declared war on Granada ; it refused to send the Andalusian Army to the critical Ebro front where the French , after Joseph had withdrawn from Madrid in the panic caused by the defeat of French corps by the patriots of Bailén , were massing for a reinvasion of Spain .
20 Coal consumption in Europe is forecast to increase some 38% by the end of the century and the increased demand will be met by imports rather than indigenous production .
21 This once German land , which under Polish rule sank into misery and neglect , has been conquered for the German people by sword and plow .
22 Photography is a universal media by nature , this fact assures that there is a multitude of people ready to discover and appreciate the art form of photography .
23 Ahead of the Commission 's recommendations , the Law Society has taken steps to guarantee the competence of police station advice given by unqualified staff by producing a scheme which will provide comprehensive training for solicitor 's representatives , followed by a test which they will have to pass in order to continue to be paid for the work by the Legal Aid Board .
24 The ‘ Affair of the Scarf ’ , as it has become known , has taken the French media by storm .
25 It is now time for the Prince and Princess to learn to trust the British people by admitting the truth of their relationship .
26 IBM figures the commercial Unix marketplace is worth some $9.4b right now , 25% of which is accounted for by Unix OLTP solutions , a further 2% by Unix OLTP with a TP monitor .
27 The software products arm improved sales by 2.3% to £38.8m , or the remaining 9.5% of turnover , but research and development spend in this area has been reduced from £14m in 1991 to £13.2m in 1992 as a result of the agreement with IBM .
28 LIFESPAN identifies its offline media by a character string set up in the configuration file .
29 This is not to deny the immense amount of valuable warm support and practical help given to old people by social work assistants .
30 The provision of homes for old people by local authorities is still for only about twenty places per thousand old people in an area , and many of these will be for very old and frail disabled people .
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