Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] get " in BNC.

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1 If if Labour say get in
2 Obviously this is n't always the case with ex-offenders — even those who are like this tend to get branded by society , and so do n't get given a chance to start anew .
3 Situations like this tend to get worse , not better .
4 ‘ I 'm really making a plea in the lectures that if the British want to get involved in Europe , they should show a few signs , be prepared to learn other languages , open up to other cultures .
5 Some try to get the legal approval ; others simply ignore it .
6 Some have got bright red faces .
7 Some have got bright red faces .
8 Quite a few have got them in .
9 Perhaps the nearest the British have got to a building like this has been in the pages of The Eagle .
10 Time the unemployed have got , money they have n't .
11 One knew theoretically that the chamber held only about 465 members ; but it is interesting to watch 651 try to get into it .
12 What they say , thirteen have got to go .
13 But that 's , I mean that 's what you 've got to start from , from doing the counting and then getting to right it out , how much have got there ?
14 Do you have a rota system where if maybe six have got onto an appliance and there 's another fire comes up in a few hours that they can not turn ut again , or is it just a matter of whoever gets there first again ?
15 It 's hard graft getting it out of her .
16 So if the three have got ta be equal you 've a hundred and eighty divided by three which is sixty each .
17 Needless to say , 2:7 have got the last word on it as usual .
18 So you can see that none of these have got any mud on them or anything like that .
19 These have got the time signature in but you 're , they 're asking you to put in the bar lines and then grouping the notes properly .
20 These have got or have n't you ?
21 I think these have got to be slightly updated with a new er with the new rates that have come through , cos that was right on six four ninety two .
22 Both these have got three .
23 and these are n't so expensive , but I mean these we know are fifteen so these have got ta be twenty five , twenty six quid
24 these have got to be mixed up together is there nobody else coming in ?
25 Cos she was expecting me to trot out something like , yes both my parents went to grammar school like everybody else whose parents went , you know , they were all saying , yes my parents went to grammar school and they got these and these have got these qualifications and everything , I could n't believe it though , there 's a load of people in our class and like you know , all the parents are all these things and they 're not exactly brilliant , the children
26 Now these have got ta go in the freezer Geoff .
27 that 's right , well the thing is these are , I was looking at the power today I , er not read it properly in the past , there only four rounds , these have got to be A , if you want both A and B on
28 And these have got to capture the gremlins if they run out .
29 All these have got ta go .
30 Well he was a computer programmer so he designed his programme to shorten the ac the system , like , you know and these have got together and now they 're in business .
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