Example sentences of "[adj] [is] not " in BNC.

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1 As a confirmed anti-wilkoite I may agree with his sentiments on lack of flair , but that s not really the point is it ?
2 Considering we ve got such shit players and shit management that s not bad is it .
3 He IS good at one on ones , but that s not enough .
4 His balls forward were nt too good … that s not what he is there for .
5 The writer said , in effect , " Here is my Horace " , and the reader responded , in effect , " This is/is not the Horace that I know " , appraising the performance from the heart as well as the mind , much as a listener might appraise the rendering of a familiar musical work .
6 Yeah but it 's Fre it 's French is n't it ?
7 And Bretons and Basques tell us that being French is not a unitary condition , but rather a state of dynamic equilibrium between unity and diversity .
8 I mean it 's quite clear is n't it what we wa we want a party of Labour , we 're organized , we 're organized mass organization that speaks for almost a million people in this union , I do n't but er , almost a million people .
9 It 's also making clear is n't it , as well ?
10 So that link there between dreams and fantasies and and being deceived and going mad , I think is quite clear is n't it ? world and between Shakespeare 's world .
11 My Lord the reason I to make it clear is not er unnecessarily it 's just that to enable a police had tried to not show anything , well we 've got the documents here and we 're very happy to receive them .
12 It er well it 's easier is n't it , really ?
13 . Tomorrow it 's easier is n't it ?
14 That 's gon na make things a lot easier is n't it ?
15 Ya he 's a bit mystical is n't he ?
16 , oh it 's smashing is n't it ?
17 But this is not tax-effective and ACET will not benefit from the additional 33.3% increase in value .
18 This is not true in Philadelphia , where a new city decisively overwhelms the old .
19 Of course , a theorist may damage an argument through bias , perhaps excluding relevant evidence inconvenient to the case being made ; but this is not a danger exclusive to theorists .
20 To say this is not the same as complaining of his acknowledgement that poor people can have a good time .
21 Outcomes are uncertain , games of chance can be rigged — but this is not what we are conscious of in reading about Ursula .
22 This is not the first time that such considerations have arisen for readers of his fiction .
23 This is not , of course , the case .
24 For certain self-aware people , however , this is not possible : to imagine themselves being themselves , living their own real , authentic , or genuine life , has for them all the aspects of a hallucination .
25 But you are expected to be competent with such material even if you feel this is not what you would eventually choose to work with .
26 This is not simply to force people into speaking blank verse , but to see how a person responds to the essential humanity of a character — for Shakespeare , of all the classical writers , is probably the most human , whose work is blessed with both grandeur and the common touch .
27 And young actors have a greater instinct these days for film than they do for the stage , though this is not to say that stage training is not equally important ; nevertheless as working actors we are getting more and more camera conscious in our acting and will continue to do so .
28 This is not unnatural , as in the 1970s and early 1980s Spencer was at the Queen 's University , Belfast , and an active member of the All Children Together Movement .
29 The pretence that this is not so is what makes me sick , he wrote , when I look at the works of the past .
30 Yet while empty part of wall or canvas feels sloppy , unfinished , this is not the case with the glass .
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