Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] if " in BNC.

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1 I turned to Beamish to see if he had any observation to make , but the trainer was silent , gazing at the big animal expressionlessly .
2 Any parishioner who would like to be present should phone Valerie Belton as soon as possible to see if a coach ( or two ) should be booked .
3 Quite apart from the availability of incidence information , a longitudinal study makes it possible to see if certain events regularly precede others , e.g. ‘ Do people with a certain laboratory report consistently develop liver disease ? ’
4 Keep your voice down , ’ said the frog , looking this way and that to see if anyone was lurking near .
5 Well then look at that to see if there 's a more appropriate way of doing it .
6 And I think that somewhere along the line , erm , even if it 's only a moderate sum , we should make definite erm , approaches to start the ball rolling in this preventative effect , because I think we 're going , every , every budget head in the whole of the county or anythi or anybody else who 's got a budget , is going to pay the penalty , so I would like that to see if there 's any movement , any way we can address that particular problem , er , during our , our discussions .
7 Here I better listen to that to see if they were talking about me .
8 More detailed work needs to be undertaken before it is possible to establish if there are geographical variations in the prevalence of this condition .
9 In these studies , in common with many others , it has not been possible to discover if the change was a primary defect or merely a secondary effect of the disease process .
10 In fact , any difficult yarns of this type are easier to weave if the weaving yarn is waxed .
11 It will be interesting to see if in the long term the claims that this product prevents damage to valve seats etc. from using leadfree fuel are true .
12 It will be interesting to see if nature 's solution to this problem bears any resemblance to man 's .
13 And it will be interesting to see if people really do like happy endings .
14 Personally , I would not object to payment but it would be interesting to see if all users would contribute .
15 It 'll be interesting to see if I 'm still on this basic-guitar tack when we go in to record the next Tin Machine album .
16 ‘ It will be interesting to see if the system has been improved in any way , but it will take a couple of months before we really see any indication of that , ’ said one insider .
17 So it will be interesting to see if Sugar 's financial advisers Kleinwort Benson can come up with any more cash .
18 It will be interesting to see if the same thing will happen in Japan ; the Japanese manufacturers belief in the preference of the client for service over a cheaper product is already being tested in the marketplace — to their chagrin , according to contacts within the Japanese manufacturers .
19 It will be interesting to see if this is how Greeks in fact react .
20 Now it will be interesting to see if they use them and how .
21 It will be interesting to see if Novell comes to any of the same business decisions once it takes over .
22 Bonhams say that their business has increased , and it will be interesting to see if they will begin to develop their arms , armour and militaria sales .
23 It also seemed interesting to see if there was any relationship between the use of overtime working and the use of temporary workers .
24 The imposter then declares himself , and it is interesting to see if the judicial process has succeeded in ascertaining the truth of the matter .
25 Legend publishers two C J Cherryh titles : The Goblin Mirror ( £4.99 ) Faery in the Shadow ( £8.99 ) ; it will be interesting to see if Legend can revive this established author , whose sales have recently flagged .
26 It would be interesting to see if DNA supercoiling can stabilize the open complexes formed at other B.subtilis promoters known to form unstable complexes , such as the tms and citB promoters .
27 It would be interesting to see if , for the first time and in so unusual a field , the family achieved distinction .
28 ‘ It will be interesting to see if any of the lads can make another breakthrough at the Carlsberg Ulster championships , and I must admit I 'm looking forward to watching for a change . ’
29 ‘ Well , it 'll be interesting to see if they go into conference this afternoon , ’ said Amiss .
30 It would be interesting to see if ethanol stimulates release of histamine from mast cells in culture .
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