Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] us " in BNC.

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1 If we confess our sins he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness .
2 Lovell 's overall conclusion on the results of the tests he surveyed is pessimistic : he writes ‘ … it seems to me that the weight of empirical evidence is sufficiently strong to compel us to suspend belief in the hypothesis of rational expectations , pending the accumulation of additional empirical evidence ’ ( Lovell , 1986 , p.12 ) .
3 So we need as many people as possible to support us .
4 The road ran through seemingly interminable pine forests with little to encourage us to stop and explore , and we covered over 1300 kilometres in thirty hours .
5 God is here , and that to bless us
6 The whole question of our relations with the Americans on atomic energy questions seems to me bound up with the larger issue of the extent to which the Americans are prepared to treat us on more or less equal terms as a first-class power .
7 God does n't stand over us like an angry judge wanting to convict us and sentence us ; rather he watches over us with love and tenderness , always willing to forgive us for our misdemeanours and mistakes .
8 We hope that many practitioners will be willing to support us in this effort .
9 At the same moment two Bf109s which had obviously stationed themselves too high to catch us in our initial attack , flashed past in a steep dive and then I was within range of the remaining Italian pilots once again . ’
10 As a general approach , this presents a very attractive picture of human beings , but we must not , on the other hand , allow this to distract us from the pressing reality of society as an institutionalised , patterned , constraining system .
11 Between the primary school at the top of the hill and the safe back garden gate the crazy man danced , arms outstretched to catch us , prick flapping between the loose folds of his overcoat .
12 Apparently the retired sea captain , in whose house we were billeted , was willing to provide us with beds ashore , but nothing else .
13 But we were n't thinking about having professional people in our group — we might have a few to help us out but we 'll pick our own . ’
14 ‘ You are not prepared to help us , ’ Isabel Lavender said again , but in a cold , flat , accusatory tone , without any note of pity or pleading .
15 We understand you knew Angy quite well and we thought you might be willing to help us . ’
16 " We want to talk to Vietnam , " Baker said , " because we think they have influence over the Cambodian government and could use this to help us construct conditions permitting free elections . "
17 Very late in the day they had written to say that some arrangement had fallen through and they would be prepared to play us if they could find sufficient members interested in taking part .
18 If it took years for the French to persuade us to buy their cheeses , then selling a microscopic plant grown in a factory must sound like a marketing nightmare .
19 Was n't prepared to let us go on now that same wages as before .
20 D' you think that the Government in Calcutta is prepared to leave us to our fate ?
21 Erm , actually on reflection , having seen the bit of disaster that occurred because erm unfortunately Freda did n't get the phone call until early Christmas day morning off her daughter , to say that instead of them coming up to here to see them that something had happened in London , could they go down to her , so she was prepared to do us a half an hour at half past one and then she was going to drive to London !
22 So while I take your point that you are prepared to give us all the information we seek , may I reserve the right to interrupt when it is absolutely necessary to do so ?
23 Other leaky sources at the company were quite prepared to give us a low-down , see front page .
24 If hon. Members would like to debate the five guillotine motions that I introduced , I should be happy , if the Leader of the House was prepared to give us time , to debate those matters .
25 Des McNulty , who chairs Strathclyde 's local government reorganisation subcommittee , said : ‘ Imagine the number of additional teachers , policemen and home helps we could employ if the Government were prepared to give us even £500 million over a five-year period .
26 ‘ We have Urnst 's account and now this to guide us . ’
27 But they were willing to let us play on it because croquet would n't have done any real harm .
28 Our inner teacher is only too willing to guide us , on a minute-by-minute basis , in our endeavours to live the life we choose .
29 ‘ Clearly the reason they claim to have burnt it is simply that they realize it would be too risky to let us examine it . ’
30 They must take action and they must feel free to contact us , feel free to put their point of view across to the headmaster and to ask for a psychologist 's report .
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