Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] as " in BNC.

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1 3.14 Except as provided expressly in this clause 3 , all rights in the Work , the Converted Text of the Work and the Trade Marks are the property of and reserved to .
2 Apart from that there is no strong reason for one method rather than another although as the first year has lower production than later years it would be difficult in terms of wearing out to argue for the reducing balance method .
3 I , I watched the first ten minutes which was really funny cos as they 're going along in the truck ah look at that woman !
4 Well , there 's a very good reason for this because as it happens erm Brighton was a filmmaking centre in the very earliest days .
5 Intimacy is risky because as the other person discovers our weaknesses they could exploit them .
6 Erm , it 's very much shorter because as we were saying earlier on the the short take off and landing capability , erm with er I 'd prefer to talk about distances perhaps in the closed session but the er the simple answer is very much .
7 The court held that this was a breach of the Convention guarantee of free speech , because it would deter journalists from contributing to public discussions of issues affecting the life of the community : " The limits of acceptable criticism are wider as regards a politician as such than as regards a private individual … the former inevitably and knowingly lays himself open to close scrutiny of his every word and deed by both journalists and the public at large , and he must consequently display a greater degree of tolerance . "
8 Afterwards through her affair with the Frenchman she is content because as she says ‘ the linnet found it 's way to the sky ’ .
9 I think the committee as a whole wanted to be cautious because as has been said earlier our main prime responsibility must be to those who need rest home or nursing home care and have nobody else to fund them .
10 And that this structure plan was merely indicating the policy of building a relief road and the key diagram was merely indicative as as I understand that is its purpose , not to show routes , but indicative of a location whereabouts in the County is this does this polic policy relate to .
11 It 's not as much as as the other two but it 's still a significant amount .
12 She looked serious though as she confided in her daughter : ‘ I du n no , Carrie .
13 The small bottle once again is is the attractiveness of the bottle and we 've found that to be very attractive and people are were very willing to pay a premium price for something like that cos as Thomas said people are buying those bottles to keep them erm initially .
14 So it 's not obvious and it 's not natural unless as you said fractions cut up your pie .
15 I 'm glad Liz is confused because as one of her predecessors I 'm also confused .
16 We get our , we 're very lucky because as I travel ov in the country , there 's lot 's of Co-ops as the Guilds do n't get the grant or they do n't get room rent .
17 This imbalance is unfortunate since as Pat Rogers observes : ‘ … there were more first-rate women poets than novelists in the period , and … poetry was still the place where ideas were growing most vigorously .
18 Well they started the strike as muddled as as some greens come up and the men as union thought that was not right .
19 Whereas nephrite contains a high proportion of magnesia and a considerable one of lime , neither of these is present except as traces in jadeite .
20 This is good because as all rows and columns have meaningful names , formulae become more readable .
21 It sounds really good because as David said you choose the course and they 'll help you out with all the practical things like child care and travel expenses .
22 He says it 'll be great relief — really good because as you can see by the column of traffic now coming through this small tiny town it 's crazy .
23 The percentage shareholding necessary to give control is problematical since as the degree of dispersal increases effective control can be exercised with a decreasing proportion of the votes , and certainly with considerably less than the 50 per cent required for a member or members to have the right to remove the board .
24 Erm it perhaps has n't been as major as as people might er have thought it should be .
25 It 'll be alright as long as as long as you keep them
26 Before we do this we have to apply a mapping function M. The mapping function is important because as I say these wires are connected to these pixels here .
27 In a way contradictory objectives become self-defeating because as we move towards one objective we move away from the other .
28 One of the points taken on behalf of S. was that the notice was invalid because as soon as he was charged the Director 's investigation came to an end , carrying away with it the power to call for information from third parties .
29 They are just as important though as what goes on in the main body of the conference centre .
30 This is not as objectionable though as the host of descriptions which virtually conceal the identity of the product and refer to it by any of a number of lurid , dramatic or pseudo scientific titles which bear little if any relationship to function .
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