Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] three " in BNC.

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1 I think the problem is that if you 're not careful this will leave the counterproductive erm , somebody said well I do n't mind paying two fifty or three quid so what you 'd gain on the seats you 'd lose on the side .
2 Two fifty or three pound
3 Each of the three levels of training ( First , National and Higher National ) can be taken as a Certificate ( usually two years part-time alongside employment ) or as a Diploma ( normally two years full-time or three years sandwich ) .
4 So the maximum is nine that people can hold on to and the thing about nine of course is it splits up into three threes and that 's why I say some people will group a twelve number into four threes or something like that or three fours because they 're all well within this span of conception .
5 And , you know , the sort of things which you can remember , which I can remember , some of the glorious ones , one when I was working up in Lancashire , about this time of year when the , the new May Day Bank Holiday was announced in about nineteen seventy-two or three or something and through five editions of the Lancashire Evening Post was a headline which said ‘ New Pubic Holiday ’ .
6 Octreotide is usually given by intermittent subcutaneous injection of 100–500 µg twice daily or three times daily .
7 It is easiest at first to limit the rudder movement to half or three quarters of the full deflection and to start by applying the banking movement just before applying the rudder .
8 And of course , in spite of everything that 's being said , the thing about was that because of the two railway stations you could get anywhere in half or three quarters of an hour .
9 2 or three times a month
10 A separatist rebel group , FLEC ( the Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda — an area bordering on Congo and Zaïre which had no common border with Angola ) , on April 27 attacked a petroleum installation on the Congolese border , seizing four French and three Congolese workers , who they said were " violating Cabindan territory " .
11 It is perhaps not totally coincidental that there are three million unemployed and three million companies and er You could do the arithmetic about what would happen if every company took on one person .
12 This is measured for distance and corrected heading and the quarter , half and three quarter way points are marked off along it .
13 The pilot has marked a direct line of track from his airfield of departure to his destination and noted the quarter , half and three quarter way marks to help assess his progress .
14 Yeah , but there 's a difference is n't there , between saying half and three ?
15 It is rough , black , about four feet high and three feet wide , and huge iron spikes have been hammered in a ring around the top .
16 No reason no reason why that should n't be I mean we 've we 've got what we use as a as a clip display thing that 's about six foot high and three panels you know but erm
17 Each of the Cleveland branch 's volunteer counsellors ( three trained and three in training ) holds about 50 sessions a year .
18 This was made possible by her great industrial centres , which by 1910 were producing twice as much steel as the British and three times that of the French .
19 The father-of-three became chairman of the Bar Council in 1972 and three years later he was made a High Court Judge and was immediately appointed to the Chancery Division .
20 Jimmy White has been world No 2 and three times a finalist .
21 It is heavily forested and three peaks rise to over 3,000ft .
22 She resolved on this but three hours later , having eaten Tom 's Indian takeaway and drunk half Tom 's wine , she was telling him her whole history .
23 Three people were reported killed and three injured in bomb explosions in the capital Santo Domingo on Sept. 23 .
24 To test whether crest size could be favoured by male and female mating preferences , we performed two manipulation experiments using realistic models made from mounted skins of three male and three female crested auklets of average appearance .
25 Anyway , the only victims named were a man aged 26 and three women aged 39 , 35 and 29 years respectively .
26 After the general election of May 12 , 1991 , Girija Prasad Koirala was sworn in as the new Prime Minister on May 26 and three days later he appointed a new Cabinet [ see p. 38193 ] .
27 The IPG currently consists of two part-time and eleven full-time information officers , two administrative assistants , and one part-time and three full-time clerical officers .
28 A countdown using sound signals together with the raising of flags is given at ten and five or six and three minutes before the start , depending on the procedure being used .
29 Congress , the C E C has asked me to accept motion three one four and composite eighteen to refer motions three one six and three one eight and to accept motion three one nine .
30 Colleagues the C E C is asking you to accept motion three one four and composite eighteen to refer motion three one six and three one eight and to accept motion three one nine .
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