Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] in " in BNC.

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1 However , in the search for wholeness one partner may choose and use the other to express a feared or unrecognized part of the self , and this , by definition , is unconscious : ‘ I love the unrecognized me in you ’ .
2 Van Praagh became a close friend of the Cranko family , Herbert and Phyllis as well as John ; she proved a valuable ally , not only for her position within the company but also because she had a flair for bringing out the best qualities of young dancers and choreographers , and guiding them in their careers .
3 I have met women who epitomize the ‘ good mother ’ ; they genuinely love and care for their children and give them a great deal of attention , playing with them and guiding them in a way that most of us feel we can never emulate .
4 Hang on a minute — there 's another me in the dream … standing outside in the star-studded night .
5 And it 's it i Seriously , it has happened a few I in my experience over the years I can remember it happening to me at least half a dozen times .
6 Even the most honest of men find it surprisingly easy , through the film of time , to recall their own actions quite differently from the way in which objective evidence makes it clear they in fact occurred .
7 I say , ‘ Want to try again ? ’ and I rabbit-punch him in the throat .
8 But eventually the arguments all boil down to the fact that it is more economic to harvest the rainforest sustainably than clear-fell it in the idiotic way we have been doing until now , and that this is of immense benefit to us , the human species , because of the maintenance of that genetic diversity which will cure all sorts of dreadful diseases in the future .
9 Of all continental rulers , the German emperors may have been the ones Cnut was most eager to imitate , for in the second half of his reign he perhaps wished to see his own position in the northern world as emulating theirs in Europe .
10 Then show the reference and see if they recognise the real you in it .
11 Erm but in twenty six he in a sense does a U turn .
12 And what terrible damage they do , have done through the centuries , from the Inquisitor General to Stalin , to your young neighbour in the IRA who believes in the Catholic God and uses that to justify his murdering you in your bed , to the Mullah who whips up the faithful to civil strife in the name of Allah , to the Moonie who steals your children 's money and affections .
13 ‘ Was that you in the woods a while ago ? ’ asked Lydia .
14 Can you give some idea of how it came about that you in fact decided strike ?
15 Is that you in the flash car pushing my little one out of the way ?
16 humiliating you in the presence of your colleagues ;
17 As soon as you make a nervous slip , he explodes with anger — humiliating you in front of colleagues .
18 Left you in the Empire all by yourself for a couple of hours , I suppose .
19 By all means let advertisers bring in history to help to sell their wares , but why is it that they so often mangle and corrupt it in the process ?
20 ‘ By slow-cooking it in its natural juices , it ends up tasting delicious . ’
21 An early masterpiece of his is a lovely cup-tondo ( fig. 98 ) with the boy These us in Amphitrite 's underwater palace , Athena assisting .
22 As custodians of the children we 've a legal duty to take care of thes of the children that we in our care .
23 There 're all them in the farms , we know all them right enough
24 But you 're all them in front .
25 Bach wrote all his in 3/4 , though they are by no means all meant to go at one tempo .
26 Tin , tin , tin , tin all his in the store , eaten all the fishes in the poor old master 's
27 The heading for my own contribution , ‘ Can we complain ? ’ , seemed to strike a note of resignation , not inappropriately I suppose : after all we in schools are paid to get on with it regardless .
28 All we in fact observe is that h is regularly followed by B. This consistent association leads us to connect the two in our own minds , to expect A always to be followed by B , and this we then express by saying that A is the cause of B and B the effect of A. This is all perfectly in order , and indeed it is through such links and associations that we build up an ordered and coherent conception of the world around us and make sense of our experience of it .
29 For all we in the 20th. century know , Plato may have dreamed all the conversations with Socrates .
30 Finally a woman I worked with told me in no uncertain terms that she had no such desire , which threw me utterly .
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