Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] and " in BNC.

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1 And that me and my old pal Norman Whiteside were on a collision course with him , that we needed to be split up .
2 This is to inform you all that me and my Companions have Unanamously agreed and likewise made Oath to Each other that if There is not a speedy Altaration made for the Good of the poore that you have corn thinking to make your fortunes of shall have it burnt to the Ground whether it Be in Stacks or Barns for the fire that took place Last Week was but the begining of your Troble , we know every Stack of Corn about this Country , and Every Barn that hath Corn concealed in it for the Purpos of starving the Poore But we are Determind if thare is to Be Starvation it shall be a General thing not a parcial one for both Gentle and Simple shall Starve if any Do .
3 The doctor started work the day I went in , and she pre-warned me and I said to him , no big cuts please ?
4 At home , the cows were managed by the women , who hand-milked them and ensured that they continued to yield plenty of good quality milk and were selected for being docile and good-tempered .
5 so I mean if , if they caught one , they actually took a photo , managed to take a photo out of all those hundreds of people , look how many more were , were there , and it just seems like basically their not sure who fired first , obviously the Irish say it was the British them and the British say they were fired upon first and erm , on , on the strength of it , who , who would you rather believe I mean , somebody that 's been living in Ireland for twenty odd yea twenty years now with all that happening around him being able to be got at by the I R A or a British body who may , may be up on a murder trial , you know , the , at the end of the day its six of one and half a dozen of the other , they 've both got stuffed by a bleeding troop
6 thing house , I never touched electrics anything gas , electrics it 's funny me and are absolute disaster !
7 A long time ago when I was six years old me and Neil went out mise chifing I chut a stown and it naile it a wondow then we ran off then we came to somedody garben then we clad up there tree and shouted fatet .
8 Was this you and and some other children that she took ?
9 It 's pretty clear you and Sergei — ‘
10 Clearly , if I speak from my critical parent state too often , patronising you and moralising at you , directing you as a child , and you retaliate in a parent state and attempt to direct me back as a child , we 've got a ‘ crossed transaction ’ .
11 I do n't know if you 've ever felt that , it kind of comes in totally f—ed up and there are people all around you guiding you and they 're bringing all my friends to me , y'know … ’
12 In March 1903 she and Augustus had a joint exhibition at Carfax & Co. , London ; she had already acquired the reputation of working extremely slowly , and contributed only three pictures to her brother 's forty-five .
13 ’ He stared , then , with an enormous shrug of reluctance , he walked to the door , unbolted it and edged it open .
14 On the death of his father in 1867 he and his sisters had been virtually adopted by their uncle , Sir David Salomons [ q.v. ] ,
15 It does when I chuffing empty it and fill it up .
16 In 1879 he and his elder brother E. B. Castner set up as consulting chemists in New York .
17 The painting of the boarding will improve its appearance and will waterproof it and protect it against the elements .
18 It 'll help waterproof it and
19 He was trained as a mason , and in 1697 he and his brother William contracted to rebuild the nave and tower of St Mary 's church , Warwick , which had been destroyed in the great fire of 1694 , to the design of Sir William Wilson .
20 Microprocessors for real-time control applications ( e.g. Motorola 6800 , Intel 8080 ) have instruction cycle times of 1 — 2 us and therefore a software.based closed.loop control would be limited to 25–50 instructions per motor step at high speeds , which would restrict control to simple functions , such as step timing , step counting and phase sequencing .
21 Well we hope so cos we wan na get off get off pretty early me and Jean .
22 I began to feel something sharp coming through the roof of my mouth and went to Mr Grover , who X-rayed me and showed me a pretty picture of that fateful root still there despite the hammer and chisel .
23 He peered at her with little beady eyes , as though trying to guess from her expression how much she and her companion had heard .
24 The erm on the cash flow numbers exchange and other erm can , can you split out what the er what the figures actually were , how much they and
25 Lowe visited the island several times after his return to Britain , and in 1874 he and his wife were lost at sea when the SS Liberia sank en route for Madeira .
26 During 1484 he and his fellow goldsmith Thomas Wood paid for the insertion of a bay window bearing their arms in the eastern wall of the Hall .
27 Deliberately he settled flat , inviting the pain to do its worst ; quietly enjoying conquering it and himself .
28 Ltd. he and his brother were made directors , but there was apparently some friction between them and in 1882 he resigned and set up in practice on his own as a consultant .
29 However the operating speeds of current microprocessors would limit the useful speed range of any such system ; at motor speeds of 10000 steps per second , for example , the step interval is 100 us and in this time around 70 instruction cycles could be executed , hardly sufficient for reliable analysis of the waveform data .
30 It was er er I mean the , the peasants apparently were , were sort of accounting , they were looking and say well this particular er landlord was , was very unhelpful , he was very anti us and in er because of that he will get a , a worse erm punishment than , than the other ones would .
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