Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] his " in BNC.

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1 After that , of course , Tuathal had had to drop his attack and race to be first over the river , since he could not face eight times his number in the open plain between the Glen and the crossing .
2 The charges were eventually dropped after an investigation , but had he stayed with the Scots Guards his career would inevitably have been wrecked .
3 Sean French fingers his typewriter as the main culprit in the singular case of the missing shoe ( sorry — ‘ show ’ )
4 DIARY Sean French fingers his typewriter as the main culprit in the singular case of the missing shoe ( sorry — ‘ show ’ )
5 " X " on the graph shows that after 2 hours his temperature was 990 , " X " is directly above 2 hours and in line with 990 ,
6 Revocation by the principal , his death , and in some cases his insanity , put an end to the agent 's authority , though in general a revocation will be inoperative as against those to whom the principal has held out the agent as having authority , and who have no notice of the revocation .
7 But in some cases his role will be more active .
8 Every few months his owner gives Ben a bath .
9 Within a few months his position came under threat from a new direction .
10 Consequently while his secular music ( see the next chapter ) was set to German words his church music consists mainly of Latin motets and Masses .
11 To some temperaments his state of nature might seem exciting and full of challenge .
12 In some respects his ethics is a representative in the ‘ modern ’ world of the same type of approach as was taken by Plato and Aristotle .
13 In some respects his work echoes that of Dunleavy and Castells .
14 ‘ In the past 12 months his play has come more and more to dominate phases of the game , especially against Wales and Ireland .
15 Tesfaye Gebre Kidan continued to appeal for a ceasefire and to impress on foreign ambassadors his willingness to negotiate with the rebels .
16 In the Baltic provinces , meanwhile — modern Estonia and Latvia — the tsar considered the German nobles his friends .
17 Gould lost no time venturing into the field , taking with him on some excursions his nephew Henry , who was understandably thrilled by the prospect of driving bullock carts ; his servant James , who he was zealously training in the art of taxidermy ; and sometimes his assistant Gilbert .
18 For the last 30 years his zany humour has shown beginner readers that books can be fun .
19 Roberton 's interests extended to chamber music , and for some years his concerts featured visits from the London String Quartet and the Lener String Quartet .
20 Mind you , he was also daunted by the fact that I was some years his senior .
21 She was some years his junior , not pretty , but personable enough , with brown hair , neatly dressed and a good figure .
22 It 's the third time in 2 years his house has been raided and the second in the space of a week .
23 He 'd carry on as if nothing was the matter , though some days his face was grey with pain .
24 This he did with such success that within the next few years his name became a byword throughout Spain .
25 Over the next few years his local reputation spread , and in 1953–54 he joined Sydney grade club Petersham , catching the overnight train to the match each Saturday and returning home that evening .
26 Captain French died in 1854 and within a few years his wife was confined to a mental home .
27 He used to say that in a few years his uncle would retire ; then he would be in control . ’
28 Bourdieu 's articles on markets preceded by a few years his pieces on ‘ fields ’ .
29 The Honourable Diana Spencer was born late on the afternoon of July 1,1961 , the third daughter of Viscount Althorp , then aged 37 , and Viscountess Althorp , 12 years his junior .
30 It was agreed that during the next 12 years his earnings would have been £21,000 per annum , which would have given him £7,500 after tax .
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