Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] might " in BNC.

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1 But I do n't feel right I might want some water .
2 Sometimes when we 19 were feeling low someone might say , ‘ I 've had a visit , look what I 've got , ’ sort of thing , and we 'd all have a nice time .
3 WILLIAMS : I would only say , sir , that my first motive was entirely such as became my function , however inexcusable I might seem .
4 The reaction to that speech - and my reaction to that , the attempt to explain and apologise — put a firm stop to any hope I might have had that I might have been a candidate for leadership of the party . ’
5 After that I might do some washing — I 'd rather do a little each day than a large amount at once .
6 What have you got that I might want ?
7 If I had n't done that I might have been shot in the eye and could have gone blind .
8 Carroll , whose continuing achilles injury has resulted in Gallagher stepping in as his deputy in recent games , admitted : ‘ Mick was brilliant , and if he carries on like that I might not be able to get my place back . ’
9 when I first came when I first came , that was the one thing that I was like that was the fact that that I might be pushed that way whereas I only
10 Who knew but that someone might teach typewriting ?
11 He walked me to the door with the kids in tow and said that we could all have a look inside , the kids as well , but even though I was shaking from head to toe , I said eventually , after we walked past the place at least four times , if I was going to do this I might as well do it on my own .
12 I 'm still terrified , even though McDunn 's on my side , because I can see he 's not so hopeful any more and if they take him off this I might get the bad cops , the ones that just want a confession and Christ I 'm in England , not Scotland , and despite the McGuire Seven and the Guildford Four they still have n't changed the law : down here you can still be convicted on an uncorroborated confession even if you try to retract it later .
13 oh when I 've finished doing this I might Has Matthew decided what he 's going to do ? has he applied for university ?
14 But if we do n't get a good response to this I might stick it in for the day in The Post .
15 From time to time she glanced suspiciously around as if afraid someone might try to grab it off her .
16 But I 'm afraid of marriage because I 'm afraid someone might want me because of who I am instead of because they loved me .
17 ‘ With help from another I might have survived .
18 Heart filled with pathos , I slipped through one of the windows , and stepped gingerly around the saplings and splintered tiles , afraid I might crash into the cellar .
19 I was afraid I might lose my train back to Dublin .
20 I was afraid I might miss you .
21 I wondered , with amusement , whether he had been afraid I might mind , might feel he was — what was the old-fashioned word ? — compromising me .
22 Michael 's 61-year-old widowed mother , Iris , said as another daughter , Heather , comforted her : ‘ I 'm afraid I might never see him again . ’
23 ‘ I 'm afraid I might behave in a rather cowardly fashion .
24 I was afraid I might have struck one of the days you are n't here . ’
25 I was afraid I might be shot by a startled sentry .
26 I was afraid I might hurt a child the way I 'd been hurt .
27 ‘ I would like to , I think — but I 'm afraid I might be like that — I think I would want to be like that .
28 I explained that I was afraid I was jinxed , that I brought death and destruction upon all those near me , and also that I was afraid I might get sent to prison because people would think I had murdered Esmerelda .
29 I in the past th Granville mentioned these letters that used to work their way down from on high which might have just been a , a bit of a twinkle in somebody 's eye with no money at all to spend on physical work but even so it was given the same status within the R C E's organization of five or ten years ago a a as an investment item was , it was almost authorized .
30 He also referred to provisions in the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 relating to administrative receivers , and to many other provisions in the Insolvency Act 1986 and in the Companies Act 1985 which might conceivably have some bearing on this question .
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