Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Dear me pass me the spanner .
2 That 's three that 's da de da de da okay on the follow oh dear or dear me get writer 's cramp at this rate .
3 Oh dear me does this tape recorder understand Essex girls ?
4 But as Orton pointed out in the diary , as usual nothing came of it — not even after telling a man who tried to get in their way to ‘ piss off ’ .
5 But in the hulk of neglect was a healthier me battling to get out .
6 This seemed to relate closely to my problems , but I have to admit it took me a while to pluck up the courage to do that deadly and dangerous deed ( that everyone tells you never to do ) to my machine !
7 But it was difficult to see why they would , given that everyone seemed to agree with the current policy .
8 After that everyone went to bed , but nobody slept .
9 So that if everyone if if people who wrote the dictionaries did n't know people 'd still be going round thinking that everyone said fore head or break fast .
10 I expect that everyone came to church here , this evening because they knew that it was a communion Sunday , and the sacrament of Holy Communion would be celebrated here this evening .
11 I think that everyone seems to pass the buck , I mean the parents think , oh they 'll learn it at school and the teachers think , oh co they should be learning it from their parents , and yo , you never learn it from anyone just from your friends .
12 Our experience here has been quite unlike that of the Shanghai group last year , in that everyone seems to have fallen over backwards to make the course unpolitical .
13 After that everyone tried to help Karen .
14 Erm I wanted to ask erm I ga I assume that everyone has read through the bumf that I 've been merrily distributing .
15 so I think they recognize that everyone has homosexual
16 Th'want me to stay ? ’
17 It 's not just the rich wot gets the pleasure
18 and they revolt against it and you 've just got ta keep your fingers crossed that nothing happens to them in that period .
19 Parents and residents were given the impression that something was going to be done and were very dismayed to find that nothing has been done yet , hence this petition .
20 Somewhere inside the building , an electric bell shrilled but after that nothing happened .
21 Blaming it on the Company would be just a fallback — you would n't believe me if I said I was n't drinking of that but you might believe me if I say we 'd prefer the good old British way : that nothing happened and there 's no blame at all .
22 Immediately some commentators claimed that she and Prince Charles had succeeded in mending their marriage , while others sniffed cynically that in private nothing had changed .
23 that them decorating
24 You might find it 's a little bit strange me stood up here talking to you about temporary labour , part-time workers , when you 've heard what Asda 's gone through and said temporary labour situations all morning .
25 It also explains his failure in that no-one knew which was his real priority .
26 It 's a shame really that no-one has come forward to apply for it , because it 's such a lovely , wonderful bungalow .
27 One day in February 1943 I returned to my billet to find the usual envelope addressed in my mother 's round handwriting .
28 ‘ In 1943 I joined Northumberland , New Zealand Shipping Co vessel , and crossed the Atlantic to Panama , through to New Zealand and back again .
29 becomes inherent I think .
30 But now he 's retired I 've heard that , when he plays in the odd charity match , he has a go now .
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