Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] each " in BNC.

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1 While smaller churches may be able to count every week , this may prove impractical for large churches , especially with more than one exit , without some fairly elaborate means of arriving at a total for each service .
2 They needed no professional help with the evening 's drinking but arose magically clear-headed and eagle-eyed for each subsequent day 's golf .
3 Given one week 's pay due for each whole year 's service from 22nd birthday to 41st birthday .
4 Given 1½ weeks ' pay due for each whole year 's service from 41st birthday to retirement .
5 You were n't right for each other !
6 She knew perfectly well that she and Ludo were right for each other .
7 At the end of the training period , you can decide between you whether or not you 're right for each other .
8 They were n't right for each other and maybe a marriage would last a shorter time than a more informal , less intense liaison ; brief and bitter , both of them on proximity fuses with things coming rapidly to a crunch , rather than something more drawn out , where they might spend long periods apart and so forget how much they hated being together , and enjoy the fleeting , passionate moments of reunion …
9 Neither way is ‘ right ’ — they 're just right for each of us .
10 All her previous doubts as to whether they were right for each other , whether she cared for him enough , had been answered by her reaction to Michele Lorenzo .
11 I 'm ten years older now , and in retrospect I see that if Francesca had lived we would n't have been right for each other . ’
12 ‘ When they 're right for each other a Gemini and a Sagittarian can have a wonderful , magical , lasting relationship .
13 The Fusion scheme has been set up by AMD to provide designers with the broadest range of tools possible for each device .
14 But he shrugs and says : ‘ We just do our best and prepare as well as possible for each game as it comes .
15 So not every teacher was one hundred per cent successful with mixed ability teaching , but I do n't think one can ever expect that with a new method and I think now that the system has been running for a number of years in the school that it 's possible for each department to support new members of staff and introduce them to the appropriate methods and approaches to mixed ability classes .
16 I think that now that the system has been running for a number of years in the school that it 's possible for each department to support new members of staff and introduce them to the appropriate methods and approaches to mixed ability classes .
17 Consequently world trade was encouraged since all currencies were exchangeable for each other and for gold at stable rates of exchange .
18 ( The upper limit of normal for each measure was set at the 95th centile ) .
19 ‘ I hope for a rapprochement between our two countries , which know very little about each other , ’ he said .
20 The Lollipop timetable of one night stands meant that they visited seventy-two venues in twelve weeks ; although they did not venture further than St. Louis , it was exhausting and afterwards they could remember very little about each town .
21 Apart from which , we barely know each other , know very little about each other . ’
22 They felt very emotional about each other , he said .
23 Meanwhile , clinicians and patients who continue to face these decisions will be grateful for each new step that elucidates the factors involved .
24 We used to work with protractors on paper , measuring out the four angles viewable through each of the turret lenses .
25 The latter are increasingly available but specific for each kind of snake , so that immediate and accurate identification of the species is essential .
26 Certain aminoacid residues at critical points in the peptide sequence ‘ anchor ’ the peptide in the groove , and this interaction is moderately specific for each of the different allelic forms of MHC molecules .
27 And do n't forget for each for each of the acids .
28 This will avoid wasting everybody 's time if the job , the candidate or the company are unsuitable for each other .
29 It is important , however , that only one questionnaire is complete for each unit , so if there are other members of the Association working with you , or if you receive another copy via another source , such as BHA 's Voice magazine , please agree amongst yourselves and submit only one questionnaire between you .
30 In the county of Kent , for example , in 1938 the expenditure per pupil in central schools ( in effect , senior elementary schools attempting to provide a serious alternative to the grammar schools ) was only one-half of that for each grammar-school pupil .
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