Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] about " in BNC.

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1 That represents about 0.77 per cent .
2 I was chronically frustrated by the city 's killing of time : all those coffees and slow pints , all that hanging about for other people .
3 That covers about half of the erm of the county .
4 They ai n't got things like that to worry about .
5 The books are quite short ( about 40,000 words , less than a quarter of the text of this present volume ) , but each has about 150 drawings and pictures .
6 According to Reuter , Longuet said he did not exclude the possibility that foreign shareholders could increase their share of Bull 's capital or dominate it — at present , IBM Corp and NEC Corp each has about 5% .
7 According to Reuter , Longuet said he did not exclude the possibility that foreign shareholders could increase their share of Bull 's capital or dominate it — at present , IBM Corp and NEC Corp each has about 5% .
8 Each weighed about 54 grains of gold .
9 With over 60 per cent of the French market tied up between them , the Peugeot-Citroen group and Renault could be forgiven for thinking they had little to worry about .
10 Art that is too much tied to the field of power has little to worry about from avant-gardes .
11 If so Frank has little to worry about I think .
12 To a man of Panmure 's connections this was not a particularly difficult matter in time of war , even with the qualification which the Lyells made to their request , that ships about to sail for the West Indies were not acceptable , but it was clearly a very material favour to the family concerned .
13 ‘ Whatever can he do for a living , if he 's free to ramble about in the middle of the working week in April ?
14 If one is interested in a 3 kilobase fragment then this constitutes about 10 pg ( 10 - 1 g ) of the sample .
15 This Lydia was prepared to quarrel about .
16 Snuff are what the Manics sneeringly refer to as ‘ a T-shirt band ’ — meaning a group of young southern Englishmen forever willing to amble about in Transit van land and getting the occasional play on rubbish indie radio shows that nobody with any taste listens to .
17 This covers about 90 charities .
18 But what I would like to say before we look at those is that the Act was actually based upon a report — the government set up a committee to look into special education several years ago , and this reported about two years ago .
19 ‘ Oh , yes : two sources actually ; a dry extract of nux vomica — that is to say of the ground-up seeds of the plant ; this contains about five per cent strychnine ; and a preparation known as liquor strychnine hydrochloride which contains about one per cent of the hydrochloride . ’
20 And it 's definitely a hands-on session — toddlers are free to leap about during the hour-long class .
21 I want you safely upstairs in bed , not free to wander about down here , keeping me awake . ’
22 This starts about 6.30pm with a welcome from the vicar .
23 A ‘ go-anywhere-anytime ’ stove , it 's also robustly packed in a metal case which will take some knocking about .
24 The switch to a more deliberate emphasis on the way in which all the inhabitants of an area depend upon one another came about at least in part because of developments in social evolutionism .
25 This came about in an equally haphazard fashion .
26 It meant that the Test career of a man aged just 31 , who still had a great deal to offer his country , was almost over ; true , it would be terminated by his own decision to go to South Africa , but this came about only because of his disillusion with cricket 's establishment .
27 How this came about must remain obscure .
28 One can only assume that the farm would suffer if this came about .
29 And this came about through a sequence of catastrophes , movements of people , and trade .
30 This came about because the general feeling in the European capitals was that France was a victim of Prussian provocation and that the candidature should be withdrawn .
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