Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] before " in BNC.

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1 Since the departure of Miss Harker he had become more surly than before and his drinking was on the increase .
2 SSAP 15 is also amended by the insertion of an additional heading and paragraphs after paragraph 12 and before paragraph 13 as follows :
3 If , therefore , 17 September 680 fell in Aethelred 's sixth year , Aethelred began to reign at some point after 17 September 674 and before the anniversary of that date in 675 .
4 Jimmy Moon is an independent builder and repairer whose workshops have been in Glasgow since 1985 and before that on the Isle of Arran , off the West coast of Scotland .
5 She showed immediate enthusiasm and , well , one thing led to another and before long I had invited her and her family to come over to Tintagel to meet Dawn and see her fly .
6 The innards are no longer quite as reliable as before ( how like the old car parked outside , eh ?
7 For a number of years now Berman has been almost as elusive as before his ‘ breakthrough ’ in the mid-1970s , and it is good to hear such a distinctive pianist now resuming activity .
8 Those seats are more supportive than before and offer good height adjustment .
9 It is possible that before going into liquidation the buyer had paid part of the price to the seller .
10 ‘ Reminds me of Lawrence , ’ says Lucy , as Panama and Archie ( now walking , it seems to me , more bandy-legged than before ) retreat down the track .
11 GUARANTEED BUT NO HURRY TO BUY If you think interest rates and inflation are going to fall , guaranteed income bonds could be a handy source of income ; but returns are now lower than before the election
12 Summit gravity increases were smaller , suggesting either that frothy magma resided in the main feeder conduit or that the magma level was much lower than before the eruption .
13 Any chemical treatment will leave hair less resilient than before and it should be treated with care accordingly .
14 Many of the weapons systems that we use now are bigger than before and have longer ranges , and so on .
15 It is now clearer than before ( 1.3 ) how fundamental nomic connection , the connection stated by independent conditionals , is either the stuff or the basis of all the seven causal connections .
16 After 2200 and before 0100 , 217 ( 26.8% ) of the visits were to children aged under 5 years whereas only 110 ( 14.2% ) of the visits later in the night were to this age group ( χ 2 =37.47 , df=1 , p<0.001 ) .
17 In August , 1920 , the average cost of a local authority house was £930 , about two and a half times as much as before the war .
18 Since the Judicature Act , just as much as before it , if A sells the property to C , who knows nothing of the trust , and transfers the legal ownership to him , B's rights to the property are destroyed ; he can only look to A for compensation for the breach of trust .
19 He departed satisfied and perhaps even as content as before the incident .
20 SSAP 15 is amended by the insertion of an additional paragraph after paragraph 32 and before paragraph 33 as follows : ‘ 32A Not withstanding the other requirements of this Statement of Standard Accounting Practice , either the full provision basis or the partial provision basis may be used in accounting for the deferred tax implications of pensions and other post-retirement benefits accounted for in accordance with SSAP 24 ’ Accounting for pension costs ’ and UITF 6 ’ Accounting for post-retirement benefits other than pensions ’ .
21 All of them are in polysyllables before the single nasal and before nasal clusters .
22 That was the first time I was conscious that before the apocalypse I had never thought of visualising anywhere but in my stomach .
23 A patient entering a consulting room is always conscious that before entering , and upon leaving , there is a knowing tête à tête between consultant and assistant .
24 When someone is asked a question , it is likely that before answering he will direct his gaze away from the questioner 's eyes ( Argyle and Cook , 1976 ) particularly if the question requires some thought .
25 Where a partner dies before the action is commenced , or later but before judgment , his personal representatives will need to be joined if any judgment is to be enforceable against his estate .
26 Curiously enough — and tragic as it is — your negotiating position , Nader , is actually better than before the kidnap .
27 Better than before ?
28 but I thought that you were very good today , much better than before
29 When he would return , the two would feel even closer than before the quarrel and they would soon be moving about the yard together , chatting away .
30 When the parade finally came to an end , Sergeant-Major Philpott congratulated them all and before dismissing the parade told the troops they could take the rest of the day off , but they must return to barracks and be tucked up in bed before midnight .
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