Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 Either he gets it right or we all go up the Swanee . ’
2 One is to include corporate dummy variable of the intercept and see whether it 's T ratio or significantly different , is , sorry it 's greater than two right or we can use an F test , right , now that F test that 's given me that formula in the middle of the page is a very important test which was developed by a chap called Chow and as a result it become known as the Chow test and it 's a , it 's a test for parameter constancy , er do we have constant parameters in our model now it tells you how to compute this Chow test , in this particular case we 're only dummying the intercept , the Chow test gives exactly the same results of T tests , right , erm we wo n't bother going through it , if you want to go through this er sheet in your own time calculate that , that Chow test and essentially what it involves is splitting with the s the whole sample now into two sub-samples , right , the first sub-sample , right , is peacetime , the second sub-sample wartime , right , and you just compare the residual sum of the squares on the unaccounted for variation , right , between actual and fitted values , just compare the residual sum of squares between these two sub periods , right and if you use the formula that 's given there that will come out with exactly the same result , well in actual fact you can square , if you square the F statistic you get calculating one formula you will get T value , got from er the computer right , the er , the sheet goes on to say how we can er use dummy variables in slightly more complicated ways , right , we could see actually see whether the income or price elasticities of demand changed .
3 We 'll put it right where we think it matters , on the training field and we 'll keep playing with the philosophy of working , training and competing . ’
4 Summarising prospects for a US-Soviet summit , Baker said : " I think we are right where we were the last time . "
5 that 's right where we used to perhaps
6 ‘ Is n't that where we start ? ’
7 ‘ There are a lot of blanks in the Thirties where we do n't know a great deal about it and there was a period just after the war from 1947 through to the middle Fifties — that 's another gap .
8 We either say we are serious and look for ways to achieve that or we say we 've failed .
9 Either that or we write a couple of variations on the end of this and we say the general access conforms to this but in their case , the other one is pre-booked , the extras and they have a booking schedule .
10 It 's either that or we have tea like straight away , go in and just put tea on straight away
11 Erm well either that or we can slip it in at quarter past five , how about that ?
12 And we 've got quite a bit well either that or we could watch the programme and then wash up , clear up and go to bed .
13 … it being very narrow where we met it , the Driver of the Chaise in backing his Horses to avoid being drove over overturned his Chaise , but very providentially , blessed be Almighty God for it ! we received very little Injury , Nancys Face was a little bruised .
14 We kept to the paths , being specially careful where we put our feet ; ground nesting species are at their most vulnerable in spring .
15 He also warned us that , once we were back in London , we were to be careful where we went , to whom we talked and what we ate and drank .
16 They know we 're not anti-gay , or we hate this or we hate that .
17 We did this or we shut down and if they wanted the latter we should shut down our plants immediately .
18 After Warrington they 've got to be careful or we might be blown up in smoke .
19 We are not quite back where we began , for human dominion over the earth is different now .
20 My right hon. Friend the Chancellor has made it clear where we stand and we now want to know where the Labour party stands .
21 Describing Bell Lawrie as ‘ old friends of ours ’ , Brewin 's managing director , John Hall said yesterday : ‘ We are at the moment in negotiations , but it is pretty difficult to say too much until it is clear where we are going . ’
22 But , having said that , if you feel , particularly with schemes that you are particularly familiar with , that that one is above or another or we could substitute rather than , there wo n't be any more money , that 's the point I need to stress I think .
23 Evidently I did not see fighters go down that day but I know they did but this was a first realization as if there was somebody up there to kill me and I guess this is the point at which you realize that you are going to kill them before they kill you and all of a sudden we are in combat all our lives and we take a complete change in outlook from everything because up to now everything had been practise and training just for this except we did not have that realization that they are there to kill us , who 's gon na be killed first ?
24 Other parts of the working ‘ common sense ’ of the police in Easton are the typifications and recipe knowledge which they employ when doing policing , and it is to this that we now turn .
25 It is this that we examine in the next section .
26 We are so sure of this that we go out confidently into the hills , or sail away in boats armed only with a magnetic compass , certain that it will always point in the same north-south direction , so we can judge our own direction of travel from it .
27 However , where the units are overlapping and non-hierarchical the problem is more complex and it is this that we investigate here .
28 Whether in the case of deconcentration ( where parliamentary control is immediate ) or in that of devolution ( where it is mediate ) Parliament remains the central institution of the constitution of the United Kingdom and it is to this that we now turn .
29 It is against this that we must judge Jesus 's teaching on economic matters .
30 Now we have to make sure after a win like this that we do n't slip up at Wimbledon next week . ’
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