Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 Attempts to improve occupational mobility for them may concentrate on a few professional openings where their colour is defined as an occupational advantage ( e.g. race relations advisers ) or on employers ( e.g. local authorities ) with positive action policies , or self-employment ( small businesses ) .
2 To obtain additional internal volume and a satisfactory relationship between new floor levels and existing or modified window openings , the original ground floor , which consisted of two panels of suspended timber construction under the areas formerly accommodating pews , separated and flanked by strips of tiled floor on a solid base where the gangways ran , was removed to give a further 400mm ( 16in ) of height .
3 We are standing in that kitchen where I 've shared her meals and laughter , and she finishes drying the glass and places it carefully on the table .
4 ‘ There 's a cellar with a trap door under that bit where I was locked in .
5 An exception to this general conclusion concerns economic support where class is important because , even using the rather crude categories of middle class and working class , we can see that these do represent different levels of access to financial and other economic resources .
6 For an essential paradox of the bourgeois family was that it was both the privileged location of emotionality and love , the only source in respectable ideology where it could be tolerated , and simultaneously an effective policeman of sexual behaviour .
7 If you pour water into this region you get a low tide where the water 's come from .
8 By stressing superiority of the competitive as opposed to the collaborative , the individual as against the collective , the private as compared to the public and by elevating profitability to at times the sole criterion of success , they have created an economic framework where the survival of the fittest has in many cases come to mean the survival of those who are best at avoiding controls on their activities without being caught .
9 The architect and writer Frank Pennink was right when he described it as ‘ an outstanding course where anyone who can play to his handicap is doing well ’ .
10 On the one hand , Lord Greene MR indicated the strict limits on the powers of the courts to set aside an administrative decision where the public authority acted within its jurisdiction .
11 They halted on a rocky ridge where heather poked up through gaps in the stones , and looked back to see Ralarth a green patch below them .
12 At midday Romany cut the engines , and Milhaez steered the barge into a narrow inlet where we moored between the bank and a low island of reeds and stunted palms .
13 Some theorists believe that hydrogen becomes a metallic solid where its electrons freely flow when compressed by two or three million atmospheres pressure ; there have been speculations that metallic hydrogen could be useful as a fusion fuel .
14 They began to meet in private houses where they read sermons and prayed together .
15 The effectiveness of metaphors of the type in which inanimates are treated as animate is shown in passages of narratorial description where they are deployed in a fully developed form , for example in a lengthy passage where the pre-Copernican view of the universe ( which still pervades the English language ) is exploited and combined with the peoples ' perception of animacy in all things : " The moon rose slowly and almost vertically into a sky where there was nothing but a few spilled traces of cloud .
16 Colleagues , just before we adjourn for lunch , could I ask you to try and take the opportunity to visit the Labour Party and Trade Unions for Labour stand where there is a live link to the national membership system .
17 The nature of H.T. and Floribunda bushes suggests that they should be planted in isolation , or in long and narrow strips where they can be approached both sides .
18 Moderation in all things has generally been a vain hope where human competition is concerned , and the contest to obtain the ultimate Peke-faced specimen has already led the breed into trouble .
19 ‘ Carve out a little part of your shop as an information corner , perhaps that part where you put travel guides or computer books .
20 Especially that part where you were described as ‘ the wife of top industrialist Julius Landor . ’
21 The paths were thickening as people slowly converged on that part where the machinery was getting into motion , but plenty else was going on far over by the tennis courts , by the children 's playground .
22 Somewhere past Pontino , the last village she remembers seeing , they were told to turn into a narrow lane where they were met by a small truck .
23 ‘ The course is in rural Northumberland where the weather is not at its best .
24 This means that you are entitled to due attribution where the work is used for some commercial product , display or other purpose and that basically you have the right to object to modification , distortion or any form of derogatory promotion of your work , unless of course you have sanctioned it !
25 There were District Officers , and there were Assistant District Officers , but they were stationed at regional headquarters where they functioned , not as independent administrators , but as assistants to the Resident : as late as 1921 the Resident at Kano declined to accept the posting of political officers to permanent stations in the districts .
26 She helped him push the motorbike combination over the cliffs into the sea , and drop the two dead men down a deep narrow crevice where they were n't likely to be discovered .
27 They left , somewhat sheepishly , and followed Finnan into a tiny , grubby kitchen where he was setting a water-filled pot over the fire .
28 ( 8 ) To authorise an applicant for an emergency protection order to return a child to a person without parental responsibility where it is safe to do so ( s44(11) ( b ) ( iii ) ) .
29 My standard of tennis is at that level where merely returning a serve constitutes a match highlight .
30 It was Paddy who , on a June day in 1985 , dropped Sarah at Windsor Castle 's private entrance where she was met by a footman and taken to her room by one of the Queen 's ladies-in-waiting .
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