Example sentences of "[verb] it can " in BNC.

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1 On first encounter it can sound pedestrian , but there 's always something not quite right about the melodies they produce , and the more curiosity that provokes , the more you 're sucked in .
2 Dreams beneath sleep it can not break .
3 It has it ca n't stop growing .
4 This uses the technically-defined Ocean as above , except that all the hiccups that interrupt the passage of its boundary have been removed by the relatively simple process of granting to it all of the so-called ‘ marginal seas ’ to which logic ( and political reality ) suggest it can lay claim .
5 They suggest it can be used on IVF embryos , or embryos flushed from a woman 's womb before implantation takes place , in order to screen for sex-linked genetic conditions , for instance haemophilia , which mostly affects males .
6 The offer would seem at first sight to be an extremely generous one , but those who make it know it can not be accepted .
7 It seems to me , and we shall look at this in Chapter Seven when we examine the notion of unconscious learning in drama , that there is some truth in Brian Way 's claim that relishing and enjoying something without fully understanding it can be of value .
8 This particular aspect of thematic organization is of special relevance in translation because understanding it can help to heighten our awareness of meaningful choices made by speakers and writers in the course of communication .
9 No the money I want to spend , I 've partly already written back and said , can I use this money as we do n't need it can I buy chairs , I was specific .
10 Cos I ca n't buy it can I ?
11 I think it 's wrong to underestimate erm i i it 's particularly initially , how , how positively reinforced it can , it can be around you erm , just this the idea of losing weight and that er you know , people will be wha , for whatever reasons are , either envious or they want to know how you can do it , they want to know , and particularly if it 's linked with exercise then it 's all very good things to do and you know , the media 's telling you and a , everyone 's telling that this healthy lifestyle that actually then goes out of control through being so controlled erm e e , there 's a , well there 's a thin line between it , being a very positive experience , and you 're suddenly buying smaller jeans and erm you know , it 's just everything is is feeding , if that 's the right word , this idea that it , that that it 's tremendous to be
12 I expect it can hear this .
13 I think one of them would be willing to back up my story and if its necessary I will give you a name if you can promise it can all be done with no charges brought .
14 A DIY breathalyser will soon be able to tell drivers if they are over the limit — but police say it ca n't be trusted .
15 The Civil Aviation authority say it ca n't be used here .
16 The Civil Aviation authority say it ca n't be used here .
17 They say it can be creative , but is it , in practice ?
18 Rotorway say it can be flown in Britain with a Permit to Fly .
19 So like you say it can cause
20 But academics at Oxford are outraged and say it can only mean a Jewish Messiah .
21 Experts say it can be treated successfully , but has to be spotted in its early stages .
22 Next time you cook it can you leave out the leeks ?
23 Next time you cook it can you leave out the leeks ?
24 Cocaine is merely a recreational drug and , taken to excess , like alcohol or nicotine , it is undoubtedly dangerous , but judiciously used it can be a source of harmless pleasure , and even of intellectual stimulation .
25 Being robbed is losing the confident skin you have grown naturally ; it is to know it can happen to you and if it has happened once …
26 then anyone who wants it can call us .
27 The second quotation should have closed immediately after the words ‘ New Foreign Office ’ , but as the paper stands it can easily be misconstrued that the Report recommended Scott 's appointment .
28 ‘ While people are cautious about a lot of developments in Europe , rightly so , and while they are looking for British advantage , rightly so , they realise it can not be done from the back of the class .
29 After reading the story in the Echo I now realise it can happen on local lines .
30 BR 's journey planner tells you the quickest way from A to B. Shame it ca n't tell you which trains will run on time …
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