Example sentences of "[verb] to those " in BNC.

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1 Even our Lord experienced the frustration of trying to communicate to those who did not have ears to hear ( Luke 10:16 ; Matt.
2 The manager 's inability to delegate responsibilities or to communicate to those lower down .
3 The Information will be used by you solely for the purpose of evaluating the possible purchase by you of the Company and , unless and until you have completed such a transaction , the Information will be kept confidential by you and will not be disclosed , in whole or in part to any other person , except that the Information or portions thereof may be disclosed to those of your directors , officers , employees , agents , auditors , lawyers , bankers and professional advisers ( collectively ‘ Representatives ’ ) who need to know such information for the purpose of evaluating the prospective acquisition ( it being understood that those Representatives will be informed of the confidential nature of the Information and shall agree to be bound by this Agreement and , if requested by ourselves , will enter into a direct agreement with us on the same terms as this Agreement ) .
4 I suggest to those who talk of regional banding that they look at the protection that the banding system will offer to people living in London and the south-east .
5 One till three as well the Special Needs Support Group are meeting at Ilkeston Health Centre and they offer mutual support and understanding to those parents who have children with special needs .
6 The working man was so successfully emancipated that he ( and even more , polls suggest , his wife ) ceased to defer to those who said they were his public spokesmen .
7 Although the governed have been largely prepared to defer to those in power , their deference has been conditional .
8 This book draws on the author 's experience of teaching health policy for many years to health service practitioners , and a keen awareness of how successive " reorganisations " appear to those delivering patient care in hospital wards and in the community .
9 The existence of a number of fine houses along the Middlesex bank of the River Thames at Chiswick , close to the Eyot and the ferry — as well as fishermen 's cottages — is recorded , with references to the Parish Church of St. Nicholas , also visits to those houses by royalty , particularly Henry VI and his Court .
10 The T3 's elegant , understated styling will appeal to those who prefer to be discreet about their photography — a noisy film-winding motor notwithstanding .
11 BUSINESS Expansion Schemes share issues may appeal to those who can forego access to part of their savings for five years in return for sheltering these funds from tax .
12 His guidance on mixed planting should appeal to those who prefer to grow their roses informally today .
13 Clearly , this is not a reading which will appeal to those who relish the physical excitement and theatrical extravagance of Strauss 's music .
14 Sparkling Chardonnay ‘ Le Baron de Beaumont ’ £5.85 Although the bubbles disappeared very quickly , this should appeal to those who like both sweet and dry wines .
15 But it may well appeal to those who like very dry wine .
16 An innovative idea which should appeal to those who find it difficult to get out and about and ideal for almost any occasion .
17 On the other hand , NT will appeal to those who are already using Windows on their desktop machines .
18 The Fellowship represents an exciting opportunity for a high-profile research career and will appeal to those wishing to join a small and highly motivated research team .
19 These are lean-back-and-enjoy performances , which may appeal to those who like their Liszt that way .
20 Che Shale provides a relaxing holiday by the sea and congenial conversation in the evening , but it would not appeal to those seeking every modern refinement .
21 An ideal self-teach tool that would also appeal to those tutoring in the field of advanced mathematics .
22 This integrated view of Scotland will appeal to those with occupational expertise in business , government and administration , teaching and social research , as well as those interested more generally in Scotland 's affairs .
23 Although such an approach may appeal to those interested in the operation of machines as historical artifacts and in some cases is vital to ability to ‘ read ’ those files which technology has already passed-by ( a classic example being the maintenance of punch card readers to process the already long-forgotten decks of eighty-column cards currently being rediscovered in the corners of filing cabinets , broom cupboards and the like ) , a more efficient strategy is to be found in the transfer of machine-readable files to a hardware and software independent format .
24 We would now strongly appeal to those supporters who do not get a ticket to stay at home . ’
25 So — can I please appeal to those of you ( teachers and class members ) who are having difficulty in deciding just what fund raising ideas to put into operation — 1985 is now upon us — and — Time Flies ’ .
26 May all be ready to bring quietness , peace and preparation for the life to come to those in their care .
27 Go into the s transept with its rose window of the Last Judgement by Max Švabinský , 1935–8 , the Emblem of Prague City in metalwork by Karel Štipl , 1946 , a statue of Christ by Čeněk Vosmík , a fine memorial of 1921 dedicated to those who fell in the Great War by K. Pokorný , and the statue of St Wenceslas by Karel Dvořák , 1922 .
28 The provision of factual information seems to alleviate some of the initial anxiety on immediate arrival at the ward and many hospitals send to those who are being admitted from the waiting list , some type of preparatory material ranging from a leaflet to an illustrated brochure , the latter in particular for children .
29 Labour has failed to adjust to those changes because our traditional preoccupation with the delivery of public services means we have identified more with the producers than consumers .
30 Limiting the studies included to those that use the same measure of quality of life might lend a table some face validity .
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