Example sentences of "[verb] to [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 As a consequence they were ‘ extracted ’ from their culture and failed to communicate to their own people .
2 They have to communicate to their public and explain how the services they provide are of value .
3 That is , they regard a novel as the creation of a particular human being , who has a particular vision of the world , which he tries to communicate to his or her readers by employing the codes of narrative and language in a particular way , and is responsible for the novel 's success or failure in this regard , and deserves praise or blame accordingly .
4 Linda had always passed the time of day with her when Doris had been able to get out and about , but now the old woman was con fined to her house with arthritis .
5 She never bothered to write to her husband while he was away , husbands being regarded as of very little importance , except as sources of money .
6 Yet she 's too busy to write to her mother . ’
7 She 'll need me some day and then she 'll be quick enough to write to her mother .
8 CAFOD , on behalf of the church in this country , are asking people to write to their MP to stress that this country should not be cutting aid , but rather seeing how we can increase it .
9 We urge our readers to write to their MP at the House of Commons .
10 With a new Government assuming office , AI urges members to write to their new MPs appealing for the speedy removal of the death penalty bringing the UK into line with international progress towards abolition .
11 At the cut-off time for the coursework an electronic drawbridge goes up : students are no longer allowed to write to their directories .
12 We are campaigning through magazines asking people to write to their MPs about off-road cycling facilities and one way they could show their support , or give a sign of their intent , would be to push through the Pennine Bridleway .
13 ‘ Book buyers should also be urged to write to their MPs .
14 Mr Lanighan wants people who disagree with the sentence to write to their MP or to the Judge , Francis Allen , demanding a tougher policy .
15 Every day of the week , Maureen Timmins and her daughter Amanda sit down to write to their friends in America .
16 The Royal College of Nursing in Oxford is asking its members to write to their local MPs and state their case for a pay award .
17 Now as a national organizer all the branches in your area if they had any complaints or anything that they wanted attending to used to write to their national organizer and I used to visit and deal with their complaints .
18 If you talk to people in the street the majority of people who have young children are certainly saying we need day care , we need opportunities for ourselves erm and are quite prepared , some of them at any rate , to go and say that to their local councillors and to write to their M Ps .
19 So I would urge everybody in Oxfordshire that our responsible dog owners ( because that 's the only people that are going to help this campaign ) is to write to their M P's so that we can stamp out and take away the mess that their in with stray dogs because we are in a mess .
20 ‘ I shall have to write to my mother , ’ said Endill .
21 Dear Father , It is a great pleasure to write to my father as my mother has often told me about him , and I hope to be allowed to get to know him better …
22 But before I die , I would like to write to my son James .
23 I pledge to write to my bank manager urging the banks to write off debt owed by poorer countries .
24 is now nitpicking and harassing me to a degree which might lead me yet again to write to my MP .
25 I found among my mother 's papers when she died a letter from my grandfather which must have wrung her heart for years after his death : ‘ … ca n't you spare a moment to write to your poor old Dad … ‘
26 ‘ Aunt Millicent 's going to write to your sister , to ‘ arrange terms ’ , as she calls it , ’ said Gay .
27 But I warn you , he 's going to write to your father and brother and tell them what a completely fat lazy arse you are , Changez .
28 Dear Guitarist I have been meaning to write to your fine mag for a long time , but whenever I was about to put pen to paper someone else got there before me with the same topic .
29 I felt I had to write to your readers as an unbiased outsider , although I am an avid reader of your magazine .
30 We appeal to your readers to write to your government , informing them of the catastrophic environmental effects of the war and urging economic and political sanctions against the Serbian aggressors .
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