Example sentences of "[verb] in another " in BNC.

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1 Football merely provides the opportunity because a match is taking place but if they we if the football matches were n't taking place those criminal acts would be committed in another context .
2 Opponents of the bill had argued that it amounted to " retroactive justice " by declaring illegal acts committed in another country and allowing the prosecution of people for offences committed before they became British citizens or residents .
3 South of Milan lies Bologna , a city whose fame lies in another chapter , in the university founded by the students of the eleventh and twelfth centuries , and so we turn west and south to Liguria and Tuscany , where we meet the cities of the seacoast or the great rivers , Genoa and Pisa and Lucca , Venice 's main rivals for the maritime trade and the great colonial empires .
4 For you , the route certainly lies in another direction entirely .
5 The same irony is enriched and plangently deepened in another fine poem by Tate of the same year , in which once again the many Virgilian echoes point to a deeper affinity — with the fable of the Aeneid as making more sense than he can find anywhere else , for the historical predicament that the American Southerner has inherited and must make sense of .
6 Their argument is very close to , if not based upon , a weak version of the " Sapir-Whorf hypothesis " which holds that the way people view the world is determined wholly or in part by the structure of their native language , and that concepts encoded in one language need not be encoded in another .
7 When for once the tide runs in the reverse direction we get a new view of our own cookery , and a revealing insight into the oddness of traditional names as they appear in another language .
8 The best thing to bring it all out , would be to write in my own African language , but I have to write in another language .
9 He drew in another breath of air , and it shuddered in his chest .
10 Similarly , discovery should be considered as taking place here , and not in another country , when interrogatories are served here , even if the necessary information is located in another country .
11 How can an unchangeable God hand out in this age what he has forbidden in another age ?
12 I moved away from home to work in another town a year ago , and have met a man who , as far as I 'm concerned , is Mr Right .
13 The use of modern language laboratories and deep immersion techniques can teach practically any individual , either manager or shop-floor worker , enough to work in another country after some two or three months ' experience .
14 It is not uncommon for one licensed dealer to send a spy to work in another .
15 Fortunately there is a surprising repetitiveness about human nature : a good deal that has worked in one field is quite likely to work in another field .
16 A guide for those wanting to rent or buy in another area
17 In August he was again complaining of tiredness ; there was no doubt that like most other Englishmen he was experiencing what he described in another context as a general weariness of war and desire for peace .
18 A second man was later seriously wounded in another north Belfast incident .
19 Derby start 2-1 down to Cambridge and Villa defend the same score at Wolves , where Taylor may have to trust in another piece of sports sagacity .
20 The plans produced by departments were summarized in another white paper ( Cmnd. 9058 , September 1983 ) .
21 When the dye molecules are dissolved in another solid , transparent host material , they do not all absorb light at quite the same frequency .
22 The task of recovering this piece from disaster fell to David Woodward who promptly rented time on a thicknessing sander owned in another workshop locally and sanded the original veneers off .
23 The thugs fled in another car leaving Carl , 11 , in the road in Wednesbury , West Midlands .
24 Violations — poaching in another household 's area — is referred to a special council of eunuchs from all over India and Pakistan which meets once a year .
25 The administrators Morton Thornton are now planning a complete restructuring of the company they are confident they can turn Carpenter 's around so that it will be trading in another hundred years .
26 So if there 's anything , there 's a slightly different approach to it , and one thing that we are being urged to do , through the very way in which you mentioned in another context , is to make sure that facilities are appropriate locally , and developing policies within that .
27 Further cracking in another support pin has been discovered , and engineers are still checking the structure .
28 And if someone writes in another language , you wo n't get it for a long time .
29 At the same time this fact enormously complicates the task of the person immersed in another culture who seeks to interpret the Scripture ’ ( Kraft 1979:134 ) .
30 ‘ Please do n't get immersed in another of your fantasies , ’ Lissa advised him tartly .
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