Example sentences of "[verb] and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In other galleries in and near Cork Street , Browse and Darby is commemorating Jeffrey Camp 's seventieth birthday with a small retrospective exhibition ( to 24 April ) .
2 Mrs. C. Browse and Mrs. R. Oehlers ( 34 pts . ) ;
3 His Kent landscapes had contributed significantly to the success of his 1945 Roland , Browse and Delbanco exhibition , soon after which he tried to interest the same gallery in Edie Lamont 's work .
4 No , there was Erica Brausen , Mrs Lessore who ran the Beaux Arts Gallery , a very interesting place , and also Miss Browse at Roland Browse and Delbanco .
5 If , as is commonly asserted , " the teacher is a resource " , then so are other teachers , and it makes sense in the resource-based mode to make available by timetabling and cooperation those varied " personal reference sources " , the staff .
6 Made from microwave-friendly materials , it can be used to brew and re-heat coffee quickly and removing the plunger transforms it into a stylish juice jug .
7 Stress which twists and deforms , which scrapes and creaks , burns and throbs .
8 I sleep and git bored .
9 See also Sleep and Insomnia .
10 Fred returns to haunt the nightmares of teenagers and to kill them while they sleep and dream .
11 " We sleep and dream .
12 The most commonly prescribed drugs were hypnotics to make young children sleep and anti-depressants for treating bedwetting , plus tranquillizers for teenagers suffering from some kind of psychological disturbance .
13 The less settled subject may alternate for a while between Stage I sleep and wakefulness , but usually once sleep takes over there is a fairly rapid transition from this stage to deeper sleep stages .
14 In Foulkes 's and Vogel 's laboratory study , for instance , standard EEG/EOG recordings were made and subjects questioned after periods of waking , Stage I sleep and Stage 2 sleep .
15 I had some really good erm this too , listen to this , the woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep .
16 The woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep by Robert Frost , Robert Frost .
17 Full closure of the eyes only occurs in two contexts : sleep and appeasement .
18 Sleep and hormones
19 Sleep and naps ; • Physical activity ( including exercise , walking , gardening ) ; • Business activity ( including appointments , shopping , office hours ) ; • Social influences and leisure time ( including the pub , disco , theatre , parties ) ; • Mealtimes ; • Exposure to natural daylight and darkness .
20 Freud argues that the man who is sexually jealous of a woman would ‘ not only feel pain about the woman he loves and hatred of the man who is his rival , but also grief about the man , whom he loves unconsciously , and hatred of the woman as his rival ’ ( ‘ Some Neurotic Mechanisms ’ , x. 197 — 8 ) .
21 This tendency to catch and pull happens most often when approaching the workpiece , but with experience I found this can be avoided easily by working against the rotation .
22 Both OSF and USL will also get royalties : 5,000 copies of the DCE Executive will net OSF $75 a copy and USL $15 .
23 Then too OSF and UI might divvy up the turf with UI handling requirements and technology selection and OSF doing development .
24 Findlay and Francis were both indicted ( with others ) with conspiracy to rob and also with substantive counts of robbery , including two robberies five weeks apart at a sub-post office in Hainault .
25 The horses ceased to struggle and Wynne-Jones slept .
26 So I thought if I er But I was beginning to get a bit worried so I thought well I might as well go up because I shall start to worry and things get out of proportion with me you see ?
27 A human figure was somehow trapped in the plasterwork of that wall at the waist , twisting and scrabbling and thrashing to be free .
28 Out of a crowd of more than three hundred I noticed Sir Jocelyn Lucas , with whom I had never exchanged a word , making his way determinedly in my direction , and I watched him breast the wave like Captain Webb , twisting and turning .
29 The target swooped overhead , twisting and turning .
30 Nor did I complain when he kept me awake , twisting and turning , sighing and moaning .
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