Example sentences of "[verb] that after " in BNC.

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1 The earlier of the two identifies the poet with his poetry , praying that after his death he should be forgotten : Sonnet 74 draws a different line , separating the Poet from his work : The point to be stressed at this juncture — forgive the interruption ! — is the turning of the other into the self and of the self into poetry , which is at the same time the turning of life into art and of transience into immortality : This marvellous poem can be linked , no doubt , to the series attacking time and proclaiming the certainty of the poet 's survival .
2 These data suggest that after medical dissolution , the risk of gall stone recurrence is not reduced by a high fibre , low refined carbohydrate diet : it may be lowered , but not abolished , by low dose ursodeoxycholic acid .
3 This was exciting enough , but little did I know that after noon how much more exciting hunting rabbits with a hawk could be .
4 It must have been humiliating for her to accept that after helping him to create an empire within show business , he should choose to spend his time with a younger woman .
5 Engels was at a loss to explain the Junker refusal to accept that after the French Revolution they could never again command the total obedience and respect they had once enjoyed from a cowed and illiterate peasantry .
6 It would be a great relief to know that after a three week hospital stay , you 'd have £420 on top of your daily benefit of £840 , payable on your discharge .
7 However , it is important to know that after infection by HIV , it can take up to three months — or sometimes even longer — for antibodies to appear .
8 People say that after my first two ‘ punk ’ albums , I did a ‘ reggae ’ album ( Beat Crazy , 1980 ) , and then a ‘ swing ’ album ( Joe Jackson 's Jumpin' Jive , 1981 ) .
9 Doctors at the Johns Hopkins medical school in Baltimore say that after intensive tests they believe for the first time the Aids virus had been eradicated from the patient 's body before he died from a separate lymphoma cancer .
10 But his parents say that after 2 litres of his favourite blackcurrent drink C-Vit , he became drunk .
11 However , he mentioned that after referring to Re Bennett [ 1896 ] 1 Ch 778 the expenses of a term life assurance policy as well as a whole life insurance policy on the settlor 's life would prima facie be capital rather than income .
12 In his biography of Molla " Abd al-Fattah ( Abdulfettah : d. 984/1577 ) , Mank Ali writes that after holding the medrese of Ata Bey in Kastamonu with a daily salary of 40 akce , he was appointed to the in Ankara with 50 akce .
13 I found that after 2 hours of playing the small adventure game called Wumpus my friends youngest child lost all her worries about pressing the wrong key , except that she kept falling down the cavern when she did .
14 It is strongly recommended that after this operation the unit should be allowed to reform up to strength and be retrained as a parachute unit , and it should not be required to operate again before May .
15 This seems to indicate that after a fairly steady climb and a certain standstill in the late 1880s , the numbers really took off in the late 1890s and the first decade of the twentieth century .
16 YOU might think that after a year like this , the Chancellor of the Exchequer would be older and wiser .
17 Then Ruddock told me : ‘ Do you really think that after facing Tyson twice , knocking out former world champions Mike Dokes , Page and Bonecrusher Smith I 'm really gon na be frightened of Lennox Lewis ? ’
18 I do n't think that after the triumph , we are going to experience a drop in women 's involvement .
19 YOU 'D think that after a long , hard and highly successful season , Linfield goalkeeper Wesley Lamont would want to put his feet up .
20 I did n't think that after a few years I would end up doing both ! ’
21 Furthermore , he agreed that after the trials and tribulations of the previous 29 months since taking over from Bobby Robson , he finally feels at ease with himself and the job .
22 However , in half-anticipation , I 'd calculated that after the one hour twenty flight from Porto we would still have a two hours forty endurance at 75 per cent cruise for the return flight to Porto in order to clear Customs back into Spain .
23 In 1991 , the brothers are believed to have inherited an estimated £500,000 when a Jersey court ruled that after three years the missing couple could be presumed dead .
24 On Feb. 25 Soviet Vice-President Gennady Yanayev disclosed that after the start of the land war Gorbachev had telephoned Bush with an appeal to halt the offensive .
25 An unexpected pang lanced through her as she realised that after today fitzAlan would no longer stand between her and the rest of the world .
26 Leith agreed without hesitation , and only later realised that after that promise there was no way now she could , as Naylor Massingham decreed , ‘ finish ’ with Travis .
27 And , lassitude apart , he had more than enough sense to see that after the triumph of the Abdication , with the memory of the vicissitudes of the previous year so fresh in his mind , a calm movement away from the gaming tables and towards the chip-cashing caisse was obviously prudent .
28 In 1974 the Secretary of State , Mr Gordon Campbell , announced that after discussions with the Lord Advocate , he proposed to take no further action and a year later , after a change of government , his Labour successor Mr William Ross said he was n't going to act either .
29 He announced that after adopting the draft platform , designed " to give clear political guidelines " in the light of the " crystallization of both the conservative and left-radical tendencies " , the central committee would reconvene within weeks to consider new draft party rules .
30 Some people also fear that after the session they will be left in a semi-hypnotized state .
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