Example sentences of "[verb] for time " in BNC.

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1 Bluebeard 's wife , about to be killed by her ferocious husband for disobeying his instructions , desperately plays for time as she knows her brothers are on their way to visit her .
2 The Earl of Warwick , one of the judges , protested and asked for time to produce charters and other evidence so that ‘ we might still enjoy with quietness the possessions of our ancestors which had bin oute of the Forrest for three hundred and thirty yeares ’ .
3 This practically ruined him but rather than take the easy way out and declare himself bankrupt , he called a meeting of his creditors and asked for time to pay .
4 As for Vivian ( Lord ) Bowden I can only report that he once offered me a job in what was to become UMIST and was particularly accommodating when I asked for time to think about it .
5 He demurred , he asked for time to think , to consult his wife , to put the proposal to his daughter .
6 The crisis-hit jewellery firm were fined £1,000 for false labelling — and asked for time to pay .
7 Because we , we had this when , when we carried out a political fund ballot erm and we asked for time off for stewards to go and talk to members and we asked for time off for a seminar , for a one day seminar .
8 Because we , we had this when , when we carried out a political fund ballot erm and we asked for time off for stewards to go and talk to members and we asked for time off for a seminar , for a one day seminar .
9 He asked for time to consider , but this was brushed aside and Nu , willy-nilly , became MP for Mergui , a place he had never previously visited .
10 The delay was with the approval of District Council at the request of the developer , who asked for time to consider if Hill could be improved .
11 ‘ Oh , I 'm sure we could let you out for that , McAllister , ’ Dr Neil had said , only for Sally-Anne to murmur modestly that since she was already well treated for time off she could not possibly ask for more .
12 Well , since he 's not pressed for time , perhaps one more .
13 No matter how pressed for time or strapped for cash you may be , should you pass by one of these shops , with a window display of dummies wearing neatly ironed kagouls and ice-axes arranged in a fan shape round a rucksack , you will go inside and not leave until you have purchased a pair of thick socks .
14 You are the person who has the initiative , so you should never need to arrange interviews , even one-off interviews , when you are pressed for time .
15 If you are being honest with yourself and with her and you really are terribly pressed for time , you will never be short of concrete reasons to give , and she will find these much more acceptable and less hurtful than vague excuses , provided , of course , that your overall treatment of her is one of care and not neglect .
16 As a business becomes more sophisticated , as the founder is more pressed for time and is earning more money , the concept of outside help becomes more acceptable and , ultimately , desirable .
17 I was generally pressed for time in my few day in Sydney , and did not have the opportunity to explore the graphic potential of the monoline as well as it deserved .
18 I was generally pressed for time in my few days in Sydney , and did not have the opportunity to explore the graphic potential of the monoline as well s it deserved .
19 Large species with long incubation and growth periods , for example swans and geese , are particularly pressed for time .
20 So if you are pressed for time it is better during your first year in a language area to give more time to direct contact with people than to spend hours at your desk typing .
21 But is is surprising how often High Court judges , pressed for time and hearing only the plaintiff 's side , overlook the principle and grant an " interim injunction " without inquiring whether the defendant intends to defend .
22 Erm , we do work together , where we share a common agenda , and we find that we share common policy positions , and there are a lot discussions that go on about policy questions between environmental N G Os , erm , and also like any N G O that 's pressed for time and money , we work together where actually it can be justified by the results .
23 ‘ Two weeks , ’ she managed to articulate , and then stood there , mouth clamped , feet rooted , as though turned to a pillar of salt , as though the deep deep boredom of childhood had reclaimed her , had rendered her helpless and speechless and powerless , the child in the attic , praying for time to pass and blood to flow .
24 1792 It being Represented to this Meeting that their is unlawful combinations and Meetings held by the Weavers in the Island , particularly in the Parish of Kilchoman , for the purpose of shortening or cutting off the usual measure called the Islay Ell , which has for time Immemorial been the Standard Measure given by the Weavers with every Species of their Manufacture , and for reducing the measure to the English yard , and for continueing the prices for the English yard as high as that for the Islay Ell
25 Subsidised rates of interest are needed it is argued for times when interest rates are high due to monetary policy as in the 1990's , which might discourage start-ups and result in bankruptcies of small firms if loans are not available , and because rates charged by financial institutions are too high .
26 well but the important thing is she 's engaged to be married I would reckon by the time she 's about twenty-six she 'll be looking for time out to have a family but by that time hopefully she 's and when she 's thirty-two or thirty-three can come back into the business and say I 've got a and the door opens that much more easily
27 If you are planning to give your child a good old-fashioned birthday party , but are pushed for time , you might find the Party Club 's Party Book and Fun Book are invaluable .
28 Being pushed for time , it can be tempting for midwives to go for a shortcut solution — one that does n't involve sitting with a mum for an hour or more , as often as necessary , supporting her , encouraging her and increasing her confidence .
29 Since our meeting in May is the annual meeting , we 're pushed for time there .
30 I 'm pushed for time as you may have gathered .
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