Example sentences of "[verb] where you " in BNC.

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1 Li like a Ballard Test where you just put the little ring round the A B or C or D.
2 For example , if you will be on holiday you can explain this and say where you will be staying .
3 But Dave said Tesco 's ca n't do , what they did they did it at Weybridge , they said let us buy your sight you say where you wan na sight and then they and we will build what you
4 No , just just say , say where you 're wearing the tape .
5 Was it normal , she had enquired , for elderly gentlemen making termly investigations into your scholastic progress to indicate where you were to sit for interview by laying their hand on the sofa cushion , and then , when you sat down , failing to remove their hand ?
6 So to indicate where you 're going !
7 Please give my apologies and excuses to the lady , but it 's important to meet where you all were last night when the tocsin was sounded . ’
8 It 's hard to know where you stand when that happens .
9 You have to know where you 're going if you are to plan the best way of getting there !
10 They need to know where you 're taking them .
11 I want to know where you personally stand on the subject .
12 So it helps to know where you stand legally .
13 If he could n't find you , he wanted to know where you had been .
14 You have to know where you are all the time ; this means you must know what mile number you are at , so on day 4 you may be at mile 47 .
15 I 'd like to know where you 'd be now if it was n't for Father 's African interests .
16 Hey , ’ he said , bringing his face close to the bird 's , ‘ she wants to know where you 're from , see , even he ca n't pronounce it . ’
17 " I want to know where you got all that information , " Patrick demanded .
18 Just as you know you must be in certain lecture halls for certain regular lectures , so you need to know where you should be for other forms of study .
19 I want to know where you got the drugs , who from , and who you took them with . ’
20 Can you get out of the house without your husband wanting to know where you 're going ? ’
21 They 'll want to know where you are . ’
22 I simply need to know where you all were . ’
23 It gives you enough information , for you to know where you finish .
24 If you are going somewhere then you have to know where you are going in order to point in the right direction .
25 " No , I want to know where you got them from . "
26 Only now , with the promise of the strength she might give him , could he afford the luxury of thinking so closely about himself ( you had to have armour in the city , you had to know where you stood ) .
27 When I got back from Maslins ’ that day and wanted to know where you were , he clammed up on me . ’
28 ‘ The fact that you 'll be among your old friends , who will all clamour to know where you 've been . ’
29 We 've been inundated with calls from listeners wanting to know where you were .
30 ‘ I like to know where you are , what you 've been doing .
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